Thursday, November 17, 2011

Solyndra, Obama Bites Off More Than He Can Chu.

  Today President Obama's Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu, had his turn in the political hot seat. I have to give Secretary Chu, some credit at least, he was willing to take full responsibility for all the decisions made at the solar company known as Solyndra including,  personally, guaranteeing, the 535 million dollar loan made to Solyndra. Secretary  Chu said he made all the decisions at Solynda with the taxpayer in mind, and he went on to say, at no time, did he make any decisions,  based,  on political considerations. I suppose, the   memo,  where the White House asked the Solyndra company,  to hold off  laying employees off, until after the 2010 election, and the fact that the  layoffs did indeed,  occur,  on November 3, 2010 just one day,  after the election couldn't possibly, be considered,  a political consideration. Secretart Chu, made all of these statements, under oath, to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, not that, that fact alone, should necessarily, assure anyone,  that he told the complete truth.
  Whatever, one may think of Secretary Chu, at least, he was willing to take responsibility, for his own actions.  President Obama, seems to have a serious problem taking responsibility for anything,  and that has been a persistent problem,  for him,  for the last three years. Like, President Obama, in  2009, and former, Vice President Gore, in 2007, current Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu, was awarded the Nobel Peace  Prize in 1997,  for his work,  in physics,  in in the area of  the  cooling of atoms,  with laser light.There is I think, one key difference, between President Obama and Vice President Gore. Secretary Chu, actually earned, his Nobel Peace Prize I do realize, however, that President Obama received his Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to push the philosophy, that peace should  be achieved, through peaceful negotiation with world leaders. Heaven knows,  President Obama, has always,  been good at talking, his doing, however, well, that's another matter. Vice Preident Gore,  received his Nobel Peace  Prize, for his work,  in the area of global warming, Personally, I haven't warmed up to that idea yet but I will admit,  I have always,  considered Vice President Gore, to be full, of hot air.
  Whatever the real truth may be, the likelyhood, that the  American taxpayers,  will ever be paid back seems remote at best. I suppose,  it is a good thing,  Secretary Chu,  has a lot of experience keeping things cool, because that particular prospect, of never paying American taxpayers back,   made the members of the House  Energy,  and Commerce Committee very, HOT! indeed. I guess you could say will it comes to the now, bankrupt, solar  company called,  Solendra, the only things  that got heated  were,  the tempers,  of the members of the House Energy,  and Commerce Committee, and the political hot seat, Secretary Chu, found himself  in today. I suppose, that's what happens, when the Government,  bites off,  more than it can Chu! As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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