Wednesday, November 2, 2011

In God We Trust Really?

  I heard on the news, recently, it seems the House voted, 396 to 9 to keep In God,  we trust as the motto for this nation. I was very glad to hear this, maybe now, we won't have to worry as much  about efforts to stop  saying other things like the Pledge Of Allegiance. Now perhaps, proud Americans can say the words under God,  without the A C L U having a heart attack. As happy as I am about this vote, I still have to ponder this question. In God we trust may be on our money, and many Americans attend their churches and give at least lip service to the idea of trusting God but,  I wonder,  if we, as Americans truly trust in God in our hearts? Oh sure,  we all come together when our nation faces a crisis like that terrible day on nine eleven. Perhaps we as Americans all come together when we hear of something like a major disaster like hurricane Katrina. I'm afraid  however, that as we live our lives from day to day that more often than not, we as Americans,  seldom, if ever, acknowledge God at all.
  At this point you may be asking your self, why would I say such a thing? After all, America is a country full of churches. Yes, this is true, America is full of churches but,  often,  those churches aren't full and even if they are,  that doesn't always mean that God is necessarily, there. Here is what I mean, sure, we as Americans,  may thank God on Sunday, but never think of him in our daily lives  the rest of the week! I often wonder,  if  we as Americans, trust more in the government,  than we do in God. I heard, President Obama,  was unimpressed,  with the House's vote, it seems the  President feels, that the  House should devote their time,  to more worthy causes, like getting  his  jobs bill passed. Sometimes,  I think President Obama, thinks he is God. I can assure you,  he isn't! As a matter of  fact, the last,  person who thought that way was cast out of  Heaven. I can also assure you, when he is ready God,  will have the final word on that subject!
  Look, the only point I'm trying to make, is this, what good does it do to say  you believe in God if  having  that belief,  in no way,  affects,  the way you live? Do you think we as Americans,  would have more trust in our politicians,  and government in general,  if we really thought,  that each one of our elected officials realized they  will one day answer to God for the decisions they make as their policies often shape the future and in many cases, the destiny, of  this nation? We, as Americans, often say, and sing, God bless America, but I wonder, do we as Americans live our lives in such a way, that God would want to bless America? I only hope,  that the phase, In God we trust, is more than just a slogan on our money. I pray, that all Americans would live in such a way, that it will be very evident, to the rest of the nations of the world,  that we trust in God not in words only, but in deeds as well. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some  words,  to think on.

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