Friday, June 29, 2012

Repeal Or Ruin.

  The Supreme Court,  as ruled on Obama's health care law. I must admit, there is often a feeling of despair that I feel as an American. I felt this same feeling in 1973 when the Supreme Court, made there ruling on Row v Wade and abortion became a legal procedure in this country. Some have expressed to me that since that ruling in 1973 America's fate was already sealed. I will confess, I do wonder if God,  has decided he is finished with America, as a nation and he has turned America over to her own devices. America, has had no need for God,  for some time now, so one wonders why should God,  bless America?
  Now, it seems the Supreme Court,  has spoken, but the American people,  haven't not yet, that's what an election is for and th American people are faced with a very clear choice President Obama,  and choose higher taxes that will come along with the health care law or elect Mitt Romney, and  work to keep consevatives, in the House and Senate and real Obama's health care law. The truth is, the American people, will have the final word on the economic path America,  will take repeal Obama's healthcare law or risk economic ruin for this nation. The only question now is, what choice will the American people make? As always my friends, these thoughts remain just some words, to think on.

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