Monday, June 25, 2012

Country At A Crossroads.

  In the next few days, the nation's Supreme Court will make what is being called by many in the media a land mark decision. Some, have suggested that the out come on the Presidents health care law will be one of the most important decisions the Supreme Court has made since  Roe V Wade in 1973. There is no doubt that both political parties will try to spin what ever the final decision is on health care to their best political advantage. I sometimes  wonder if truth or right and wrong even matter any more since right or wrong is usually determined by which of the the nation's political parties has the greatest influence and truth is determined by that which is the most convenient at the moment. America,  is at a crossroads, if the Supreme Court decides that the President's health care law to be constitutional the government will gain an even tighter hold  on every Americans right to have individual freedom. America, is in danger of becoming like the nations of Europe. Socialism, has failed in Europe and it will fail here too. The Supreme Court will have the last word on government ran health care. America however is still at a crossroads and her final destiny will be determined by a judge much higher than any judge on the Supreme Court. America seems willing to embrace secularism and God,  seems to have no place in our nation's government in our nation's schools and even in many of our nation's churches. I pray God, has not already weighed America, in the balance for I am afraid America, will be found wanting but many have suggested the end of America as a nation has already been determined that they can already see the hand writing on the wall indeed some feel that America's best days as a nation, have already come and gone. Psalms 50 : 22 serves as a warning when a nation chooses to for get God,  the words of God's warning are chilling, they are as follows; "Now consider this, ye that forgot God. Lest I tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver." I pray America, will again choose to retain God in their knowledge because nothing can save America, if God decides her days as a nation are done.

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