Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Reading And Writing And Child Abuse!

  Like any good parent, I love my daughter more than anything,  and would protect her with my life. I am blessed to be able to send my daughter to a Christian school. I know she is being taught all the proper subjects she needs to know and she is being taught good old fashioned traditional Christian values. There are other parents however,  who do not have the advantage of sending their children to a Christian school parents are then left to the mercy of the public school system. I will confess to you my heart goes out to parents  who have children in public schools. While I am quite sure there  are some good schools with in the public learning system it seems there are more and more that are not.
  I heard about one such school on the news recently. Ricardo Salines Elementary School in San Antonio Texas, has   two would be teachers on paid leave right now  because both of them dealt with a bullying situation by sitting a  six year old boy  in a chair and then ordering the other students to come up and hit the student who was accused of being a bully. In other words, the teachers ordered the bully, to be bullied by the other students! Some,  of the students did not want to hit the boy he was there friend but  the the teachers forced all the students to hit the boy who had been a bully saying this would teach the student a lesson.
  I have a lesson I would like to teach those teachers, where I come from if anyone puts a hand on my child they will deal with me and I would not rest until those teachers were fired! they have no business, being a round children and what they did was pure child abuse. I am glad the mother pressed charges thus forcing the school to take action, A spokesmen for the school said the main teacher would not return there but they felt the younger school teacher just needed to be reeducated on proper teaching procedures. I should say so! The other students in the class it seems had more sense than the teachers did! If this is is an example of the kind of public education children are receiving today I fear for the next generation. Americans must demand that parents be informed on  whats going on in the classrooms that our tax dollars pay for.and parents must make it their top priority to talk to their children and keep up on whats going om inside the class room, after all, parents, were the first teachers and they still should be ! as always, my friends, these thoughts remain just, some words, to think on.

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