Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Fight For Freedom Is Not For The Timid.

  I learned along time ago that if one decides to stand up for the basic freedoms that I believe were given to all of humanity by God, .taking such a stand would most assuredly guarantee that I would face opposition from those who held a more secular and liberal point of view.I have been writing for a while now and I have had some interesting discussions with some liberals,  that were not always civil or pleasant. Like many fellow patriots,  there are days when in a moment of frustration I can grow weary fighting the good fight of faith and freedom. Some,  have already expressed to me that America,  is beyond saving suggesting then that the secularist,  have already won the great cultural war for the heart and soul of America. Some,  have suggested, that I should just give up and accept the fact that America,  is destined to be come a secular progressive nation. I will admit their are days when I am tempted to give up but then. I look into the precious and innocent eyes of my daughter and I remember why I must fight!
  Christian  patriots,  take heed to my words the godless, liberal progressives,  have indeed grown strong over the last sixty years or so and perhaps,  churches all across the nation have been silent for too long. I say now to Christian conservatives,  everywhere across this nation take a stand for traditional Christian,  values and FIGHT! I very firmly believe the days of America's freedom are indeed numbered unless Christian patriots,  take a stand and fight for the future of this nation. Freedom,  is an idea that is worth fighting for President John Adams,  knew this and he expressed his thoughts regarding the value of freedom in the following words."The jaws of power, are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched  out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking,  and writing." Adams,  knew that any government left unchecked by the people, would grow too hungry  for power and then such a government would demand that the people surrender their basic individual freedoms because only government could   provide what was needed for the people. I believe that is the type  government the secular progressive liberals,  in this country want all Americans,  to have. I have decided I will fight and speak out even if such a fight could one day cost my life because without freedom,  for me,  there is no life not for me,  not for my wife,  not for my daughter,  not for anyone. I  have decided,  that if America, falls one day if I must die let me die keeping the faith and defending freedom for I would rather die knowing my life meant something,  than live in a secular nation in so called government security but without God,  and freedom of thought.
  Christian,  if you grow weary in the fight for continued freedom remember this passage found in I Corinthians 15:58 "Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." Take courage Christian patriots,  all across this land and continue in the fight to preserve faith and freedom in this nation your children are counting on you. As always, my friends these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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