Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Selective Ignorance.

  I am constantly amazed at the level of unabashed corruption that pervades politics today.What I find even more amazing however is the depths some in politics will most willing stoop to to hurt a political opponent to gain political advantage. As bad as I find this practice what remains even worse is the selective ignorance some in politics conveniently manage to acquire the moment their political tactics back fire and they are found to be caught in a obvious lie.
  Recently I watched the news and I was caught up in utter amazement as I heard  Deborah Wassermann Schultz, totally deny any knowledge of the party affiliation of the super Pac Priorities USA despite the fact that the interviewer reminded her that it is ran by Barack Obama's former White House Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton. Burton of course is an out spoken democrat! I sometimes wonder if Congresswoman  Schultz, is related to Sargent Schultz, of TVs Hogan's Heroes after all they both have the same last name and they always claim to know nothing when ever they are confronted a direct question that if honestly answered could  tend to be embarrassing. I will admit, there are times, when I am not at all sure that Congresswoman Schultz,s selective ignorance is necessarily all that selective. Without a doubt, Congresswoman Schultz is indeed a committed liberal and after listening to her on a number of occasions like most liberals I believe she should defiantly be committed in the nearest funny farm that can be found! Seriously though,  when I hear liberals,  try to push their more the obvious political agendas in the media and the press I am left to wonder just how stupid they think the American people really are. Anyone with any reasonable intelligence knows,  no action taken by Mitt Romney, while at Bane Capital had anything to do with the death of a former steel workers wife Romney, was long gone for quite some time when this man's wife died and he admits he was offered a buy out option. You don't have to be any kind of political genius to see this add was a set with the intention of politically, destroying Mitt Romney's character. Liberals have no character so I suppose political stunts like this are to be expected. When I consider the wisdom of liberals and that in and of it's self is a contradiction of terms, I am often reminded of what the Bible, says in Romans 1:22 the passage reads as follows;"Professing themselves to be wise they became fools." I hope Paul Ryan,  is prepared for the gutter political tactics that the liberal democrats have clearly shown they are so much more than willing to use. All I can say is some times,  certain aspects of politics, really makes me sick! As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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