Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Are We There Yet?

  As a Christian, I pray for America. I pray for our leaders in government. I must confess however there are times when I really wonder how much time America has left as a nation. I find my self afraid that America, has all but abandoned her Christian roots. I was reading in the Bible in the book of Genesis recently when a particular passage in Genesis, chapter six caught my eye. The passage in Genesis, 6:5 reads as follows; "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Notice the phase was only evil continually. Sometimes, when I consider these words, as a Christian,  I find myself asking God, Is America, there yet? When God looks at America now I wonder if he would observe this nation and have to conclude that every imagination in the hearts of the citizens in American now, is only evil continually. Why would I wonder this? I'll tell you. Turn on your TV and more often than not programs that promote varying degrees of an immoral life style can be easily found there. Turn on your radio and listen America's youth is being constantly bombarded with songs that have words that openly encourage every  manner of known  immorality.America's public school system, is filling the minds of the youth of this nation with a  totally secular philosophy. Many schools in the inner cities aren't even safe to attend because class room violence is a common occurrence. Teen pregnancy is on  the rise as well. The family,  is under attack in America. The nations divorce rate is fast approaching nearly, 70%. Much of this nations government is corrupt if you consider any government agency if you look long enough you can see government waste in nearly any government agency   here are just a few the Department of  Energy, has wasted billions of taxpayers money on various solar companies that have gone bankrupt. The GSA is wasting money at an alarming rate, both Social Security and Medicare,  are bankrupt and no doubt money is defiantly being misappropriated in both of those programs and all of this excess spending only adds to the nations national debt that will exceed 16 trillion dollars by the end of this month. As If all of this wasn't bad enough, the Democratic Party,  is pleased to announce that the acceptance of gay marriage will be a part of their  plat form at their upcoming convention this September. I can only say that what the Democratic Party,  is willing to accept in American culture  God,  calls such a practice,  an abomination!
  The founding fathers,  warned Americans,  not to take Gods' patience for granted Thomas Jefferson,  said the following;"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and his justice cannot sleep forever." Abraham Lincoln, expressed his thoughts on the survival of America, as a nation with these words, "America, will never be destroyed from without. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed our selves." I'm afraid if I ask God, if every imagination of the thoughts of many in America is only evil continually in other words God, are we there yet? I'm afraid not only would he say yes, but he would hasten to add that America, has been there now for a long time.  I pray it is not too late for America. One thing is sure as Jefferson,  said in so many words God, will not wait forever for America to repent. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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