Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Getting To The Heart Of What Matters.

  I watched the Republican National Convention,  last night. I have to tell you my eyes were glued to my TV. As I listened to Mia Love's speech as she told President Obama, that the American people were no longer buying what he was trying to sell them I found my self saying," You go girl!" I also found former democrat and Obama supporter Artur Davis,  to be a bit of political fresh air. He said,  it was time to look past all the political hype that had been so much a part of Obama's 2008 campaign and concentrate on what we really need in America,  right now some serious job creation! I confess to you that I am so glad that these two brave and up coming African American stars,  in the Republican Party.  clearly demonstrate that not every African American,  chooses to blindly  follow the policies of Barack Obama, just because he is the first African American,  to be elected president.I am glad to see that there are some African American,  who choose to think for themselves!
  Listening to Ann Romney, last night was a blessing from Heaven. Without question,  no one  doubts that Mitt Romney,  is very smart and has learned through years of experience and a lot of hard work what it takes to be successful in the corporate world. There was never any doubt that Mitt Romney, had a brain for business but Mrs Romney's speech showed each and every American,  who heard her speech last night that Mitt Romney, had a heart for people who knew the pain of economic difficulty.I have no doubt that many who heard Ann Romney's speech consider it the best speech of the night and perhaps the best speech of the entire convention.
  Just as Mrs Romney's speech gave Americans,  a look inside Mitt Romney's heart so it was that Governor Cris Cristie's speech got to the heart of the stark choice Americans face as the contemplate who to vote for in the next election. Some,  thought Cristie's speech lacked a bit of his usual luster. I was left with the impression however, that he just chose to speak rather plainly from his heart about the choice Americans,  must make not only for the next election but for the future of the next generation.  Christie,  basically said,  if Americans,  choose to reelect Obama, then they choose to be selfish and are content to continue  letting the government provide everything for them then Americans,  choose to think of only themselves  at the expense of their  children and grandchildren.  He even suggested,  most grandparents,  would be willing to make some necessary sacrifices for the future of the grandchildren. Christie,  wasted no time entertaining his fellow republicans with at times colorful blunt and rather frank personality. He choose instead to concentrate on telling the American,  people the truth.He said if Americans,  were willing to make the hard choices now they  could guarantee that their grandchildren  would continue to have a future in America.Christie made it clear however,  that choosing to do nothing would guarantee all people would  be able to tell their  grandchildren was what life in America,  used to be like. Christie laid out the choice every American,  must make government hand outs now at the cost of America's future generations or sacrifice now to make sure America will have future generations.At the end of Christie's speech I felt that he had gotten to the heart of what matters concerning America's future not just in the the next four years but for America's future generations to come. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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