Monday, July 16, 2012

Will Americans Choose To See And Hear And Know Nothing?

I have to have my eyes examined it seems my glasses are no longer strong enough to help me see clearly. As I consider the attitude of many in American society today, I find my self almost dumbfounded. America had been blessed by God more than any other nation on the face of the earth yet even now even many Christians, cannot see or hear God speaking trying to get America, as a nation to repent and return to the truth found in the word of God by following the Christian principals that are clearly out lined in the Bible. I find however that even among many Christians, an almost willing ignorance as far as following the teachings of Christ which every Christian should be able to clearly see and desire to put Christ teachings into practice. Yet, I hear Christians ask almost every day why won't God save America? I see even in many of America's  churches the truth of the gospel. Jesus, is the only hope for a lost mankind many churches however no longer preach that sin separates a lost mankind from the love of God I don't expect America to return to her Christian roots if I find the truth of the gospel of Jesus absent from many of America's churches.
  I think even many of us who would call ourselves Christians get caught up in looking for some kind of sign from God before they can realize that God has been speaking to America for a long time now. I'm afraid God looks at America, the same way Jesus saw the Pharisees, and even his disciples in Mark 8:18. Jesus had just fed a great number of people with only five loves of bread and two fish and yet the Pharisees, keep asking him to give him a sign to prove he was the son of God as he claimed. Jesus warned his disciples not to be so willingly  blind like the Pharisees, who were like unleavened bread far different from the brad and fish the large crowed had just eaten.. Jesus wanted his disciples to realize he was the bread of life but they thought he had said these words because they had no bread. then Jesus said, having eyes, see ye not?"" Having ears hear ye not? Do you not remember?" What Jesus, was saying to the disciples was do you now know who I an or are you as blind as the Pharisees? Christ disciples had just seen a unbelievable miracle yet they still were not sure who he was later in Peter would be told by the power of the Holy Spirit who Jesus really was.
 Some times, I think God looks at America and Says what more can I do to reveal my self to you? Even many who claim to follow me cannot see me working or hear me speaking to America. It seems many in America, have ears,  but cannot or will not hear, Eyes, but will not see.and a mouth but will not speak out and stand up for the truth of the gospel of God. No election or new political policy can save America only a ground swell of nation wide repentance is the only real hope for America, I fear however, America has been blind, deaf and dumb for too long and now it may be too late. I suppose only God will decide if that is the case. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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