Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I Shall Not Want.

  Lately, when I watch the news it appears to me that President Obama,  is trying to convince Americans,  Americans,  who run small businesses in particular,that if by chance they have some how managed to be successful they should remember that they were only successful only  because the government was there all the time helping them. President Obama, must have developed much of his philosophy of government by being a fan of the Beatles.  I know Sir Paul McCartney,  hangs out a lot at the White House these days and Obama seems intent on telling all Americans, I wanna hold your hand!
  As I Christian, I know and must always remember that it is God who provides all that I truly need.You will notice I did not say everything I want.I believe that if most Christians,  are honest with themselves, they will admit that they have a lot of things that they don't necessarily have to have to survive.David said in Psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want." The word want in this instance means to be found wanting  or to be left in a position of need or distress. Therefore, What David,  is saying is I know the Lord is my Shepard and he will never leave me and I can trust him to provide what I need  for I know if I trust and follow him I will have need of nothing. King David,  found this to be so and said near the end of his life in Psalm 37:25  "I have been young and now am old yet, I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread."
  I know as a Christian,  God,  has given me a free will and only ask that I follow his will so my life can know the blessings of God, and my life can  find it's complete meaning and purpose, even though I am a Christian, God,  will never force me to follow him such goodness only makes me desire to follow him even more.I'm afraid the same cannot  be said for government. Americans,  who would choose to let  government,  be their god will find very soon,  that they will have no longer have a  free will of their own you see when the government provides everything for them and they  become totally dependant on government for everything  the government now owns them and they will become the governments slaves and government will be their master.Think about this, if the government provides your health care pays for your education, provides food stamps for you if you need food, section eight housing or mortgage protection if you need a home unemployment if you don;t have a job then could they not threaten to take all of these things away if you don't go to the church they  tell you to? Therefore,  now government will tell you what you will believe and you will believe it if you intend to keep receiving all of the governments generous provisions.
  All I can say is I prefer to let God, meet my needs. I choose to follow the will of God,  I choose to trust him. I cannot put my trust in government. I have no need that the government should hold my hand for I am safe in the hand of God. The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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