Sunday, July 1, 2012

God's Will, Will Be Accomplished.

  As a Christian, I am very concerned for America's future as a nation. I see the fires in Colorado, the floods in  Florida, the unrest on Wall Street. I see our nations stagering national debt I realize other nations such as Greece, Spain,  Italy, Ireland, England are on the brink of economic colapse. I see the ticking time bomb that is the middle east.Nations including  Iran Egypt Syria, all poised to attack Israel at any given moment. Above all else though, and by far the most important, I see America, who has all but forgotten God,  and the Christian principals, that once were practiced in this nation.and made America, the greatest nation in human existence. God, if he is acknowleged at all is only given polite lip service and this is often true even among many Christians,  in America, today. I have heard from some who say they are Christians, that it is just not their way to be openly vocal about their Christian,  beliefs. I would ask those Christians,  who feel this way to consider what they are saying. Let me get this straight, Jesus Christ, the Son of God,  can humble himself, come into this wicked sinful world  and get beat and spat upon and be nailed to a cruel cross and die for my sins, and your sins, the sins of all man kind a death I am sure that was anything but comfortable so that you might believe and recieve him as saviour and be saved from eturnal seperation from God,  in Hell and then as a Christian,  some one would say they don't feel comfortale about sharing their faith so that others might not Go to Hell, without Christ, and be doomed to an endless eturnity totally seperated from the love of God with no hope of escape. I ask you fellow Christian, don't we love our friends enough to at least offer the gospel of salvation to them? Are we as Christians,  so concerned about what others may think of us, that we would rather choose to be silent and let our friends we claim to care about die and go to Hell because we were afraid or ashamed to tell  them the gospel of Christ? I would tell my fellow Christians,  if the gospel of Christ, and the sharing of it makes you feel uncomfortable ask God to give you boldness and get you out of your comfort zone.
  Consider this,  God;s will will be accomplished,  with or wihout any help from anyone. God just chooses to work his will through those who follow Christ if they choose to let him so that Christians,  may experience the blessings of the power of God,  in their life. Fellow Christians, remember, the will of God,  will be accomplished the question is do Christians, want to get in on it! Romans, 1:16 says,"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth to the Jew first, but also to the Greek. Jesus,  told his followers to go into all the world amd preach the gospel. You don't need to worry about going to Africa, if you can't even tell your friends who live just across the street.
  You see, Jesus Christ,  is the only hope not just for America,  but for the whole world. I know if I  as a Christian, can trust Jesus Christ,  to save my soul can I not also trust him to take care of me no matter what may be happenning in the world at any given moment? Christians,  then through Christ,  can have peace with God, and thus experience the peace of God. Thus, Christians,  should remember the words of Jesus and trust and belive that God,  will always do that which is best for them and having this confidence we as Christians,  can say to God, not my will but thine be done. As always, my friends,  these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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