Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Spirit Of Independence.

  I remember when my daughter was born her mother and I wanted everything to be so perfect for her. Like many new parents we watched her grow and we held her hand, we saw her take her first steps and say  her first words. My daughter is almost ten years old now and although there are still certain things as parents my wife and I must still do for her I have noticed as the years have passed each day she seems to need us just a little less. I think she is one on her way to growing up and one day being her own independent person, and I wouldn't want it to be any other way.
  On July 4, 1776  the 13 original colonies of England, declared  their Independence from England,  and became what we call a free and independent nation. This new spirit of Independence meant that no longer would be subject to a British king. all the residents of thee former colonies were now 13 free and individual states and together these thirteen states became what was then the United States of America. Americans now believed they were free to do  all sorts of things. One of the first freedoms they enjoyed was the right to worship as they pleased there would be no state church as there had been in England,  there would be no king to run America's government instead a President, would be elected by the people and he would carry out the will of the people America, would be a Republic,  there would be a the Congress, composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate and there would be a Judicial branch,  of  this new government called the Supreme Court,  to decide matters of law and make sure that any new laws were in keeping with the nations new Constitution which was formerly drawn up and adopted at the Philadelphia Convention in 1787. This new Constitution wold guarantee that all men could live free and there would be certain rights and basic freedoms every American,  would have some of the rights included, the right to bear arms. the right to own property. some of the freedoms included freedom of speech, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly. Yes, with all of these new freedoms Americans began using there new found freedoms and the tiny little thirteen states exploded with growth and expansion so much so that the thirteen states be came the fifty states we call the United States of America and grew to become the greatest nation on the face of the earth and one of the main reasons this all happened was because America fostered a free and independent spirit owing allegiance only to God,  their conscience and their country.  Fast forward now to the present day. America, is still called, the United States, but the county is in a state of constant division in fact, in many ways America, has never been more divided. Many in America's government have still  don't even worry about a spirit of Independence because our government it seems wants to do everything for us in fact if I didn't know better I would think that the government had become the America,  peoples parents, and while it is true that many in America, have grown too dependant on government and often be have like spoiled children I would like to think that there are still those among us who will say to our government thanks for your offer to help but I am a free independent responsible adult and I choose to work for what I want I choose to own my own property I choose to shape my own destiny I choose to be independent and stand on my own and choose to succeed or fail by the will of my own determination this is the true spirit of Independence. God,  gave all men the desire to live free and the strength and purpose of will to accomplish almost anything! Many in America,  have forgotten this and slowly over time many Americans,  have lost the spirit of true Independence.the only thing any American,  should totally depend on is God,  for his word and the principals found in the Bible,  built this country. I would ash each American, to remember this on thought, when as a nation we as Americans become so dependant on government, that Americans have  become almost like small children constantly asking the government to hold our hand, then in one sense hasn't government become a king and didn't we as Americans declare our Independence from a British king in the first place. I pray that Americans,  will wake up and a new spirit of Independence,  will once again be rekindled in this nation as always my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words,  to think on.

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