Thursday, May 17, 2012

The American Scream!

  Most anyone,  if you ask them will tell you that when they were going up they had their  own set of goals an aspirations and each person's individual set of goals and aspirations was  their version of what we like to call the American Dream. My nine year old daughter at this moment in her life aspires to be a doctor. She says, she wants to be a doctor to take care of her mother and I when we get older.She realizes that I have been handicapped from birth with cerebral  palsy and she  knows her mother works way too hard  She has decided that it is her job to grow up and become a doctor so she can afford to take care of her mother and I at least that's wait she says right now, check back with me tomorrow her aspirations may be different by then. The point is, anyone with any imagination has a goal or a dream something they want to be or something they want to accomplish in their life.
  Recently, on an Obama, campaign stop in Ohio, Vice President Joe Biden, talked about his family and he assured everyone in the crowd that his family had their goals and aspirations and he said that his family always dreamed and believed that he or the other siblings in his family could grow up and be president or they could grow up and become a millionaire.I would remind Vice President Biden, that the key phase here is grow up. His speech was supposed to admonish everyone to have their own slice of the American Dream. The Vice President,  sounded more like a bitter middle aged man throwing a temper tantrum his speech sounded more like the American Scream!
  What Vice President Biden, fails to understand is that the American Dream cannot be given to anyone. The truth is, if your not willing to work your heart out for your version of the American Dream your goals and aspirations, will remain in your dreams! A person becomes rich generally because their character  has been enriched  with something called a work ethic. I think Vice President Biden, dreams of being President one day. I guess he's just bid"en his time so to speak! I had a dream last night. I dreamed America was thirty trillion dollars in debt and Joe Biden,  was President goodness,  now I think I'm going to scream because that dream is a nightmare. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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