Saturday, May 26, 2012

Are The Good Old Days Gone?

  My mother is 87, I have often heard her talk about the good old days. I sure everybody remembers how this lecture goes it starts out something like this, a parent will talk about how things are so different from today a good example is the tried and true story about how hard it was to walk to school. You know how this story goes don't you? First,  your parents had to walk to school no school bus for them. They had to walk five miles in the winter time sometimes without shoes and the snow was two feet deep! Okay,  so maybe parents,  do stretch things a bit when they remember their hard times in the so called good old days but the truth is they may have a point these days in America, America's culture is not as good as it once was.
  I heard a recent Gallup  poll talking about morality in America,  some of the results were quite eye opening. According to the poll 89 percent of this nation thought birth control was morally okay  8 percent thought birth control was morally wrong. 67  percent in this country thought divorce was morally all right 25 percent thought it was morally wrong. On the subject of sex before marriage 59 percent of those who were polled thought sex before marriage was morally okay while 38 percent thought sex before marriage was morally wrong.When it comes to having a baby out of wedlock,  the poll showed 54 percent of those who were polled thought that having a baby out of wedlock, was morally okay while forty two percent still thought that having a baby out of wedlock was still morally wrong. I have to tell you I wasn't really surprised with many of these findings. When you consider that we have high schools in this country that now want to pass out condoms at senior proms so if the students want to have sex at least it will be so called safe sex and at least the girls won't get pregnant the question may not be is their still a sense of morally in America? The question maybe better phased Is their any morality left in America at all? One thing I'm sue of if there  is some morality left in America, it is sure different from the standards that I grew up with. I am  afraid that those who hold to the traditional values and Christian,  standards this country was built on are loosing the cultural war in America. churches are not faultless either for too long they for the most part have remained silent on the subject of basic morality choosing rather to be seen by society as tolerant  and politically correct. America, as a nation needs to wake up and soon because these days in America,  morally speaking, there  is less and less that is truly good and if the present moral decay in America,  is allowed to continue the good old days will remain a distant memory in past history. as always my friends, these thoughts remain just some words to think on.

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