Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Respect And Manners In America Is That A Lost Art?

  Sometime ago, I was in a local Walmart parking lot. As my wife and I were getting in our car I overheard a mother ask a son to help her left some heavy items into their car. When she asked her son for help his response made my blood boil! He rudely said to his mother, get it your self you  then   he said the b word that rhymes with witch. I have to tell you, when I was growing up, if I ever used such a demeaning term to refer to my mother, my father would have launched me so far into orbit I'd still be lost in the twilight zone!
  When I  reflect on this incident, I have to ask my self, what has happened to common decency, respect and manners in America? Have Americans progressed so far in their thinking they no longer use common  courtesy? Have words like please,  thank you,  excuse me,  your welcome,  sir,  and ma'am become outdated? It is no wonder that the children of today have ceased to use these words. In fact,  given the present moral condition of our culture, there's a good chance they've never heard them!
  I want to say a word to all the feminist in America. I applaud much of the progress you have made. I believe in equal pay for men and women. I believe you have the right to pursue a career and have a family, if you choose to do so. I will confess, I don't agree with the practice of abortion except to save the life of the mother. I realize however,  it is considered a protected right for women, and the current law of our land. Therefore,  in a free society, a woman is free to follow the dictates of her own conscience.My question for the feminist is simply this, when you hear comedians like Bill Maher, who I've always considered to be a sad joke that just isn't funny, or rappers like Fifty Cent  and that's about fifty cents more than he's worth call women in general every gutter street term that can be imagined I have to ask myself, feminist where is your out rage now? I can't hear you. You may say, Fifty Cent is just a music artist, or Bill Maher is just a comedian. Consider this ladies, to Bill Maher your nothing but a dirty joke! Rappers like Fifty Cent consider women as just a dirty lyric in a song. Personally, I don't think that joke is very funny and I don't think that music is very sweet. Speaking just for myself, I have a lot more respect for all women then that! Think about ladies, haven't you come a long way from here? As always my friends, these thoughts  remain,  just some words to think on.

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