Sunday, July 17, 2011

America, What Would Jesus Do?

  What would Jesus do? That is a question that has suddenly become very popular in the minds of Americas political leaders. I do believe however, that what Jesus would do has become somewhat marginalized of late particularly, in the area of politics. I'm not sure somehow,I don't think Jesus would prefer to placed in the middle of anything political. In fact, I would submit to you that Jesus might prefer to be kept out of politics, especially if your only seeking his advice to gain a particular partisan  political advantage.
  A day or two ago, I was watching the news. I saw Charlie Rangel step up to the microphone and ask what Jesus would do concerning the governments financial debt ceiling. Charlie seemed to think that Jesus would be in favor of raising the debt ceiling. Well, I can't tell you for sure what Jesus would do and I would not presume to speak for him. I would like to share with Charlie some thing I am sure Jesus would do. Jesus would remember to pay his taxes! Let me think,  Jesus said something in the Bible about rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are Gods sorry Charlie! Perhaps Charlie could pass this advice along to others in our government who seem to have a problem remembering to pay their  taxes. Former United States Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and current United States Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner come to mind, just to name a few.
  Let me be clear about this. I admire anyone who would seek wisdom from Jesus. Seeking his wisdom will surely help you make various decisions in everyday life. We usually call folks who do this Christians. I think it's important to ask yourself not only what Jesus would do,  but why Jesus would do it. Jesus did everything he did on Earth for one reason, to carry out the will of his father who sent him. Say, If your a christian like me isn't that our daily purpose too? I think so. Jesus said "As the father hath sent me so send I you".  I did not mean to preach,  but it is Sunday,  after all. As always my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words to think on. 

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