Tuesday, July 19, 2011

America, What's In A Name?

  There's an old joke that ask how can you tell if a politician is lying? The punch line is, his mouth is moving. We may all get a chuckle out of that old political joke. The sad truth is however, That's not a joke, that's a fact! We seem to live in a country now, where we almost expect our political leaders to lie to us. Lately, Americans seem to be asking of our court system, whose rights are we protecting? It seems at times,  that the criminals have more protected rights then their victims. Much of our American history seems to be in the midst of a massive rewrite. Maybe, honest Abe, was not always so honest. Maybe George Washington didn't chop down the cherry tree. If he did, perhaps he lied and said some else did it. It seems that the historians of today would rather have Americans believe that.. Look, I don't know if George really cut down the cherry tree, or if Abe was always honest. I do however believe this, Americans need to rediscover the value of having a good name and a good reputation
  When I was around seventeen,  I wondered about a possible job at our local Sears department store.   My dad, worked at the same Sears in the automotive division. I wondered about  a position, in the  men's wear department My dad went to inquire if there were any positions open in that particular department. He asked the department manager there, if I could have a job working in the men's department. The manager said this, tell your son,  if he is half the worker you are, then we want him working here. Now,  it turned out, that summer I took a job working at a camp for the handicapped. I felt more qualified to work there,  because I too am handicapped. I never forgot however, the value of my fathers good name. I would have been hired for that job at Sears not because of anything that I had done, but  on the strength of what my father had done. What did my father do? The answer is very simple. He had established a good name and an honest hard working reputation. I can promise you, I have benefited from that foundation more than once in my life. Years later,  after my dad had retired, he was approached by a total stranger. The man asked if he wanted a job working in his garage as an auto mechanic, My dad asked, why would you offer a job to me? the man said simply, Mr. Reeves word gets around,  you do good work.
  Perhaps,  if Americans can start over, and teach their children the value of telling the truth, keeping your word, and doing the very best at any job for the sake of a good working reputation, then maybe,  just maybe, children will grow up to once again to  become  honest men and women. Who knows, a  whole new society may become filled with sound judges, honest lawyers, historians who will not remove the moral lessons history can sometimes teach. Americans may even be able to once again believe what their politicians tell them.
  Finally,  if Americans would wish for a a more honest society,  I must ask Americans , what are they willing to do about it? What changes will Americans be willing to make? What Lessons parents,  will you be willing to teach your children? Today's children, are the society of tomorrow. Basically, if you want a more honest culture, start by  being more honest. In the words of Lilly Tomlin, " And  that's the truth! As always my friends, these thoughts remain,  just some words to think on. 

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