Monday, July 11, 2011

The Debt Ceiling To Raise Or Not To Raise That Is The Question.

  Although the dead line for raising the debt ceiling is August the second a deal must be reached by July twenty second so that the House and Senate both have time to introduce whatever compromise can be worked out make whatever revisions need to be made then vote on passage. This must be accomplished in time to be in place by August the second.
  At this point I am still quite confident that a compromise will be reached and the debt ceiling will be raised but, should we raise the debt ceiling ?  There are those who say if we don't America will default on various obligations both within the government and around the world.this would be the first time in Americas history that we find ourselves in this financial situation and frankly, I think this would ruin Americas credit perhaps beyond repair.
  On the other hand there are those who oppose raising the debt ceiling they contend that America must learn to live within a set budget. While I certainly agree with that financial principal I think that at least for now the debt ceiling is going to be raised. Which then begs the question who will get the better deal? The Democrats control the Senate. They have made it quite clear they will only decrease federal spending if they can raise taxes on the rich to off set the cuts. The Republicans however control the House. They have made it quite clear they only want federal spending cuts with no taxes raised on anyone. The Republicans feel this way because of the current down turn in our nations economy particularly, in the area of job growth. They feel that now would be a terrible time to raise taxes of any kind on anyone. I must confess I tend to agree with the Republicans.They gained control of the House last November because they promised the Tea Party as well as all other true conservatives that they would stand and fight for real meaningful government spending reform. I pray that in the heat of this battle they will not wavier on this promise. It is clear to me this is the Republicans  last chance with conservative Americans. I must say, if the House should back down now I believe they will loose all credibility with conservative Americans. Thus this would set in motion the beginning of the end of the Republican Party. There is one thing for sure however, conservative Americans will soon know what the Republican controlled House is made of. As always my friends, these thoughts remain just some words to think on.

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