Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can There Be Everyday Heroes In America?

  I remember when I was around nine or ten I used to love to read comic books. My favorites were the super hero comic books. I tried to imagine what it might be like to have super powers. I often thought, wouldn't be nice to solve all the worlds  problems with super strength or super speed ?  Always arriving just in the nick of time to save the day and then being able to bask in the joy of knowing that I had been a hero what a feeling!
  Then, of course I would snap out of my daydream. As we all do eventually I grew up and realized that Superman or Batman lived only in the mind of cleaver comic book creators or Hollywood film producers. Lately however, I found myself asking a new question. As mortals we can not hope to gain super powers or do super feats.yet, I believe we may still be able to learn something from those comic book heroes. The question is, what  makes a great hero?
  I believe there are many factors that can make a great hero. There are however, some basic requirements. Number one, a true hero always tell the truth both in principal and in practice. Dad, don't tell your children to always tell the truth and then cheat on your taxes! Mom, don't tell your children to look for the good in other people then, spend all your time gossiping about everybody in the neighborhood. Let your children see in you the qualities you want to see in them. Secondly, a great hero will never be afraid to admit that they are not without weaknesses and can sometimes make an honest mistake. Being able to say I was wrong and I'm sorry are also necessary requirements to be a great hero. Number three, A great hero never makes a promise that they can"t keep but they keep every promise they make.  This of course will make one careful when making promises. Number four, a great hero will always consider the greater good of others. This often means sacrificing something they may have wished for themselves. Number five, what makes a great hero is knowing that you can always count on them to do what is right. A hero will do what is right just because it is right, not because it is popular or easy or could lead to some personal advantage. Number six, A true hero will never seek their own glory, and will always encourage, and acknowledge the value in the contributions of others.
  Do these qualities seem unrealistic or unattainable? I don't thin k so. Each time you hear a story about a selfless fireman who rushes into a burning building to save a frantic mothers child that"s a hero. When you hear or see on the news that a policeman has stopped a robbery or safely returned a mothers missing child that"s a hero. Need I even mention, our brave military who everyday, risk life and limb in the defense of our country? You get the idea. These heroes  however, great as they are, are  rather easy to point out. Thus, I still wonder are there plain everyday heroes  in America  that you may not at first notice? I think so. Each time a dedicated school teacher inspires a wayward  student heading for trouble to change their ways and thus, sets them on a path  that will give them a future, that teacher is a hero. When a family needs food or clothes because they have lost their home in some sort of disaster and they have no friends or family to help, the stranger you see step up to help  just became a hero.  Anyone,  who selflessly gives of themselves asking nothing in return to make a meaningful difference in the life of another person instantly, becomes a hero.
  Finally, it is important to point out the contributions made by a very special group of heroes. They are called good parents,  Although they do not have super powers or flashy hero attire,  they do have one truly special ability. They can serve as an inspiration to their children to grow up with good moral values. This in turn will create good citizens, which in turn will create a better country, and  finally, a better World.  Wow! maybe good parents really do have a super power after all. What do you think? Keep fighting parents for truth justice and yes, the American way! As always, my friends, these thoughts remain. Just some words to think on.

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