Thursday, July 7, 2011

God or Government Which will it be?

It seems America is at a turning point.There are those who would ask our government to provide everything for them beginning from birth to death or as some say from the womb to the tomb! after all the liberals tell us that America should get with the program and realize that America is a modern progressive country and frankly, some of our traditions and documents and beliefs are simply behind the times and very outdated. Well who knows? The progressives maybe right but, consider this.
  The first two documents or books we'll simply have to get rid of is the constitution  and of course the Bible. The constitution was based and thus written following the principals found in the Bible. While we're at it the Ten commandments the basic foundation of our laws and legal system the same commandments that appear in the halls of our congress and justice department well, these outdated and out of step concepts have simply got to go! but, at what price?
  Let's see, in this new America since the government will now provide everything for you there will be no reason to pray to this God fellow and after all, this God is kind of an odd fellow. Since the government will provide your housing and regulate the land they permit you to live on thus there will no longer be a need for you to own property after all in the new America after all, the government is now taking care of you are they not? In fact,the government will provide your schooling your health care your food your job your home and even your car.In this new America the government sees these provisions as your basic rights but remember this, since the government gave you these rights then the government can revoke them whenever they wish in the new America you have only the rights the government chooses to recognize and if the government decides not to recognize the rights the government gave to you anymore who are you to say they can't!
  In the Bible you remember that old outdated book? in the book of Job the man Job says "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away therefore since the government giveth then the government can taketh away. blessed be the name or the power of the government! In this new America we no longer believe in this silly idea of God. Therefore there is no more need for preachers or individual churches preaches can either retire or acquire normal real jobs and thus contribute to the over all good of the government, and by the way  in the new America all christian schools will be abolished since they are just church schools the government will now take care of what you need to believe.
  Dare you think this can not happen? think again the seeds of this new America are already sown now Americans will have to decide if we will pull this crop of progressiveness up by the roots or let these ideas continue to grow so that the new America can spring up and strangle all the God given goodness that has made America is great up to now. The choice however, is yours to make America so which will it be? God spelled God or God  spelled Gov, America only you can decide. as for me and my house we will serve the lord.

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