Monday, December 19, 2011

Our Government Needs Permanant Solutions.

  I talked with my doctor today. I am disabled and on medicare he assured me that he as my doctor would never turn me a way. I told him I had heard that many doctors were retiring or refusing to take medicare patients because of the talks about the Government under President Obama's plan,  wants to cut 500 billion dollars from Medicare if the senate Democrats get there way. My doctor told me not to worry he felt confident the government would do something at least temporally.  I knew then that was the problem our government,  is always putting a band aid on our financial budget problems or at best, just kicking the can, further down the road in stead of really taking care of the problem. The Senate hasn't passed a full budget for two years so the debt ceiling keeps having to be raised and we all  know how much fun that is. The pay roll tax brake  has only been extended  till  February of 2012 then the Democrats in the Senate,  and the Republicans,  in the House,  will have to work out another deal for the pay roll tax brake to continue as well as a continuation of unemployment benefits. I find my self asking,  why couldn't both sides just get this done right the first time. While both sides play politics and fight for political advantage, millions of Americans are made to wait. Doesn't the government work for us? Why then do I often feel, that often,  the government is working against us and looking out not for us, but only for themselves.
  I came across this quote from George Washington, he is warning Americans even then,  not to let the government,  do too much for them lest the government,  become too powerful the quote is as follows: "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is a force,  like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master." His meaning seems clear the same government that serves the people  today, left unchecked, enslaves the people .tomorrow and then the people serve the government. I sometimes wonder just who is doing the serving today. Is government the servant of the people,  or have the American people become so dependant on the government, that now, in affect the people serve the government. I think Americana, is still having that debate. as always, my  friends, these words remain, just, some words, to think on.

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