Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Is 2012 The End Of The World?

  About two years ago now, a movie came out starring  John Cusack, called , 2012. The film  tries to depict  what the end of the world could be like. I will say, I found it interesting,  the the film has an almost Noah's ark like  feeling to it since you had to be lucky enough to get a seat on this big enclosed barge like boat in order to make it to the new world to come. The film draws it's plot from the ancient Mayan prophecy that predicts that the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012 with the coming of  the worlds last winter solstice.
  Just between us, I think the world is  going  to go on past 2012. I think there are some other world  problems to consider however,  Right now, the United States is 15 trillion dollars in debt yet, in spite of this, we are being asked to bail out Greece, Italy, Spain, and who knows who else,  before it's all said and done. Why? because we always have, and we are the only country that can or would. That's right, this evil country called America, with it's evil economic system of  capitalism, that has made  this country  the greatest  economic power house the  world has ever known,  is being ask to save the world again. The Protesters on Wall Street, would do well to ask themselves just how long  the world would economically last, if  America, ever experiences a total economic melt down? I pray that day never comes, because if  it does,  it will be the end of the world as we know it. as always, my friends, these thoughts thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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