Friday, December 2, 2011

In One Ear And Out The Other.

  My Daughter is at an age, where she ask an abundance of questions, about all kinds of things. A few days ago, she asked me  to explain an expression she had heard at school. The expression, was in one ear, and out the other. When my daughter ask me what that expression meant, I was so tempted to say, that it meant the same thing as the expression, like water off a duck's back. I didn't  however,  because I knew she had not heard that expression yet and therefore, using a similar expression wouldn't really answer her question fully, and completely, like she wanted it to be and besides, if  I had used the expression, like water off a duck's back to answer her question well, let's just say, I didn't want to teach  her a fowl expression ! Seriously though, I told her,  that in one ear, and out the other, meant hearing some one speak words, with out paying any real attention, to what is actually being said. My daughter then asked me for an example, so I told her well, it's kind of  like when your mommy, and I call you to the  dinner table,  or ask you to get started on your home work but your too busy,  watching one of your favorite TV shows  no matter how many  times  we tell you,  some how,  you just don't seem to hear what your mommy and I are saying at those particular times. When I gave her those examples she then knew exactly, what the expression, in one ear and out the other meant.
  I could have given my daughter an even better examples  to explain the expression in one ear and out the other, I could have just told her Well it's a lot like back in 2009  when seventy percent of the American people didn't want President Obama,  to push through a 787 billion dollar stimulus package to bail out the banks who were about to go under because they were stuck with too many mortgage loans that people couldn't pay because the housing market had  collapsed. The American people spoke, but  President Obama,  ignored the wishes of  most of  the American  people,  and pushed the stimulus package through Congress anyway.  How about when, Seventy percent of the American people didn't want Obama care it was  2074 pages long and no one even read the bill or knew much about it. Most of the American people wanted the President, to slow down and really compose a better well thought out health care re form bill, but again the wishes of most of  the American people may have been spoken, but President Obama, did not take heed to the vice of the American people. Most, of the American people, really wanted President Obama, to show some true leadership, and work with the super committee, to bring down the nation's debt but once  again, President Obama,  did not hearken to the will of most,  of the American people,  and the super committee failed.
  I guess, that is why, I now,  find it very difficult,  to trust the President. I know the President,  loves to hear himself talk,  and he often talks a lot but lately,  he just doesn't seem to say much. I guess, that's why when I hear the President,  speaking,  on just about anything these days, Dare I say it? His words go in one ear, and out the other. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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