Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Enough With The Endless Game Of Chicken!

  I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty sick and tired over the House, and the Senate, choosing to settle policy disagreements by playing endless games of chicken. Those of you who may not know how a game of chicken is played,  it usually involves two cars and  a cliff. the winner is the car that goes the longest without hitting the brakes and turnning or swerving at the last possible minute to avoid the cliff. Some who have played this game, never lived to brag about it!
  Right now,  the House,  and Senate,  are playing a game of political chicken with the federal payroll tax holiday. The Senate,  has left for the Christmas holiday content to offer only a two month fix to the payroll situation. The House, wants a full year so they don't have to deal with this issue again in two months. The House,  has threatened to not sign  the payroll tax exstension bill, in it's present form, and if they  don't and the Senate does not come back before the end of the year then every tax payer's paycheck will loose money and that prospect makes both political parties look bad, so each party is playing political chicken to see which party,  will give in and swerve, to avoid the political cliff. What both sides fail to realize is the American people and the nations economy are riding in the back of both cars,no matter who wins this particular game of political chicken, I still have to ask this question. What happens,  when both sides are playing chicken with the nation's economy and our national debt, and both sides politcal cars brakes fail and America's economy plunges off  the cliff of everlasting obscureity?
  When I consider the basic sense of wisdom that is sorely lacking it seems,  in Washington these days, I am remined of this quote from Galileo Galilei, who lived from 1564 to 1642. The quote, is as follows;"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who endowed us with sense and reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." I call for a return,  to reason,  an intellect,  in our government. Oh wait a minute, we are talking about those leaders in W ashington right? as always my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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