Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wisdom, Often Requires, An Absence Of Self Interest.

    If there was ever a time in America,Where men and women with political wisdom were needed, that time is now. Indeed, in many aspects, the very future of this nation, now now hangs in the balance. As a Christian, I know that all true wisdom, comes from God. As I further ponder how one might acquire such  wisdom. It occurs to me to take a fresh look at the life of king Solomon. According to the Bible, Solomon, was only a young boy when his father king David, died The Bible says God,  spoke to Solomon, and ask him what he might give him. It should be noted that this is one of the few times in biblical history, where in a sense God,  becomes the ultimate Santa Clause, because  God,  tells Solomon he will give him  what ever he desired most. Think about that, what are somethings one might be tempted to ask for? Money, fame, power political influence women, long life, I suspect Solomon, being a young man considered all of these things but in the end, what he ask God,  for was wisdom. This request, was made with humility and an absence of self interest because of this, God,  was pleased with young Solomon's request and he not only made king Solomon,  the wisest king in the known world at that time but all the other things Solomon, might have wished for he also obtained.
    It wasn't too long be fore King Solomon,  had a chance to demonstrate his great wisdom. The Bible says,  one day two mothers stood before  him. Apparently, the night before, one of these two women had a baby that died in the night, and so in a fit of grief, one one them stole a baby from the other and now both women, claimed to be the mother of the stolen child and it would be king Solomon's task to determine who the child's real  mother was. King Solomon, tells a nearby servant, to take a sword and cut the child in half and give one half to one woman and one half to the other. Whereupon, one mother relinquished her right to the child and told Solomon, to let the child live with the other mother. The other mother however insisted, that the child still be cut in half and at that moment, King Solomon knew that the mother who was willing to give give the child up in order that it might live was the child's true mother for she also had wisdom that was absent of her own self interest and king Solomon,  was able to discern the unselfish in tent of a true mothers heart.
    Fast forward to today in America,  this nation finds itself with a shortage of real men and women off political wisdom and true  leadership primarily, because each politician no matter what office they may hold, is more concerned with the next election and their own political future as opposed to the future of this nation and the next generation. If America, is ever to economically recover and if America's future is ever to be bright and filled with hope again, America's political leaders must humble themselves and ask God,  for the wisdom that can only come from God. Before God,  will grant such wisdom to America's leaders in government, God, must see in them an attitude of true humility and there  must be a noticeable absence of concern for their own self interest and political preservation. One can only pray and hope that such men and women in positions of political leadership still can be found in this nation. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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