Sunday, November 11, 2012

Who's Teaching Who Here?

    Politicians, are often accused of attempting at least, to be all things to all people and this is particularly true of course,  each time some kind of political election rolls around usually,  every two to four years depending on who's running or what office they may be seeking. All to often I'm afraid,  a politicians attempt to be all things to all people,  is nothing more than pandering,  in an attempt to get votes. Such is the nature of politics I suppose.
    Anyone, who has ever read any words I have ever written knows by now, that I have often said,  I will never apologize for being an American. I value my faith in Christ,  and hold it in a much higher regard. With that said,  let me say unequivocally, I will never apologize for being a Christian. As I said politicians,  often attempt to be all things to all people and therefore, pander to one special interest group or another that by all means, they may gain votes.
   As true as this particular approach may be of politicians, as a Christian, I find it most interesting where the origin of this approach can be found and was first used for quite a different purpose.In first Corinthians, 9:22   the apostle Paul says, "To the weak, became I as weak   that I might gain the weak. I am made all things to all men, that I might be all means, save some. Politicians,  use this approach to gain votes often to gain an office and thus, save themselves politically. Paul, and all Christians who would seek to follow his example, use this approach to save the souls of men. One will notice in first Corinthians 9:22  that Paul ends this verse with the words that I might by all means save some. This would seem to imply that not all will be saved and although from a theological stand point I understand this I still wish this were not so.
   My daughter Cassandra, attends a Christian school one afternoon,  she came home with a seemingly, simple question that I found impossible to answer.She posed this question to me "Daddy, Jesus died to save the whole world so everybody could be with him in Heaven right?That's right honey I said,  Then she asked, "Then daddy, why doesn't everybody love Jesus? " He only wants to be their very best friend." "Daddy, I think everybody,  would want to love Jesus, if they only knew how much he loves them.". Once again I found my daughter teaching me something I thought I already knew and was trying to teach her both in Christian school and in our home. I am left to ponder however, who is teaching who here? Sometimes,  I marvel at the simple yet very deep spiritual wisdom, that can come from the lips of a child who still posses simple child like faith. In Matthew, 9:14  Jesus said," Suffer little children and forbid them not, to come unto me for such is the kingdom of Heaven. After pondering this simple yet deep theological truth expressed so tenderly yet so eloquently from my daughter, it  left me to consider this question. shouldn't all  Christians,  work at least as hard as Paul,  did and be made all things to all men to win souls to Christ? Shouldn't Christians, want to win souls with the same zeal a politician wants to win votes? Perhaps, if more Christians had this kind of devotion for the souls of men then just maybe more people would come to know Jesus and love him and my daughters simple question would find an answer. As always, my friends these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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