Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rebirth Or Ruin? A Day, A Decision, A Destiny.

    Last night I quietly slipped into my daughters room and gazed upon her while she lay sleeping. As I continued to observe her peaceful slumber I marveled at the way she was totally oblivious to the world and I wondered what she might be dreaming about. She always tells her mother and I that when she grows up she wants to be a doctor or a nurse and she says she wants to have a good job so she can buy a big house so that her mother and I can live with her someday. I think she says these things for two reasons. Each day she sees how hard her mother works at our local Walmart, and how tired she is when she comes home. Her Mother and I always tell her to study hard in school so she can have a good future so that one day maybe she won't have to work as hard as her mother does. The other reason she wants her mother and I to live with her I suppose is be cause of me. I was born with Cerebral Palsy and in addition to that physical challenge I have taken a fall or two in my life that has resulted in major physical damage all through out my body and as a result I can only walk a short distance and any type of movement is very difficult for me. I help my daughter with her homework but once in a while she has seen me lose my balance and fall and when that happens though it hurts I try not to show it because each time I trip and fall it scares her.My daughter, wants to be a nurse or a doctor so that she can take care her mother and I when we get too old to take care of ourselves Just last night she told us "Don't worry mommy and daddy, when I grow up I will take care of both of you and  you won't ever go to a nursing home because one day I'll take care of both you and mommy just like your taking care of me now." As I turned my head,  so that she would not see the tears of love I had in my eyes for her because of what she had just t said, I knew I had been blessed my God, to have a daughter with a heart big enough to love the whole world.
    Today,  after months of campaign adds, more phone calls,  than I even ever  thought were possible from election volunteers calling to make sure I was going to go vote for one candidate or another I,  along with millions of other Americans,  will go vote. I will vote for Mitt Romney, and the reason I will vote for him is because I want to make sure my daughter, is going to continue to have her chance to grow up in this country blessed by God,  we call America.I want her to have the equal opportunity to achieve  any part of the American dream she she desires. I know that in America all someone needs is an opportunity and a dream and a heart and soul that is willing to work for it.Obama 's vision for America, will  is a vision that will lead to America's economic collapse to put it simply Obama;s policies of over spending and massive debt will lead to Americana's ruin. Four more years of Obama, will be four more poor years and thus seriously jeopardize my daughter's future. Romney,  with his plan for responsible economic management built on less government and more personal responsibility and freedom will encourage investors to have confidence in the nation's economy and as a result new  businesses will start and existing businesses will grow. Romney, offers Americans,  a real chance for for America,  to experience an economic rebirth. I believe Romney's policies and vision for America will assure that  my daughter will have a future and her chance to achieve her part of the American dream. I encourage every  American,  who will cast their vote today to please vote wisely because the choice you make will determine your children's future. I don't know what my daughter will eventually grow up to be one day, I don't know if  her mother and I will one day live with her in the  big fancy house  she envisions,  right now but I know I want my daughter,  to go as far as her dreams and will to work for them,  will take her. Thus,  for the sake of my daughters future and for the future of children everywhere across this nation I will cast my vote for Mitt Romney,  and I pray a winning majority of Americans will choose to do the same. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain just, some words, to think on.

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