Thursday, November 15, 2012

Let Me Get This Straight.

    My Daughter Cassandra, used to really enjoy reciting certain nursery rhymes.I bet many will read these words will remember this on it is as follows;"There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile.He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile. He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse and they all lived together in a little crooked house."
   Now,  that you have read this rhyme and no doubt taken a quick trip down memory lane hopefully recalling the carefree days of your childhood, I wonder if many who read this article know that this nursery rhyme is based on a real crooked military leader turned politician in British history.It turns out, the crooked man the poem refers to is a Scottish General,  whose Scottish title was, Sir Alexander Leslie.Sir Leslie,  lived during the days of the Stewart Dynasty and during this time King Charles the First,  occupied the British throne. It appears that in this period of British history,  Scottish General,  Sir Alexander Leslie,  was able to make a covenant of sorts that after several years of fighting between Scotland and England, finally established a boarder between the two countries.In the poem of nursery rhyme this established boarder is refereed to as a crooked stile.The last line  of the poem or nursery rhyme that reads and they all lived together in a little crooked house refers to the fact that an actual boarder agreement between Scotland and England was accomplished. Apparently,  their were those who thought that this agreement was crooked and favored on e country more than the other and indeed if one follows British history one will soon realize that conflicts that often led to wars between these two countries went on for many years.The film Brave Heart,  further chronicles the conflict that existed between these two nations.
    It would seem that today in America, Americans,  are being asked to trust their own version of a crooked man. President Barack Obama,  in conjunction with those who serve in his administration,  seem to have a great deal of difficulty keeping their facts straight on a variety of issues.At the moment,  the horrific tragedy of Benghazi and the absence of truth regarding the facts of what did and did not go on in this seemly endless national security fiasco turned soap opera, is in the political spotlight. One is left to cautiously wonder if the coming testimony of both General Petraeus or Secretary of State Clinton,  will contain the straight truth and thus establish the facts of what really went on be hind the scenes during   the attack on the American  embassy in Benghazi,  on the anniversary of nine eleven. I am afraid any truth that comes out of these hearings conducted by the Congress will at best, a crooked truth.
    The nation's jobless figures were released today and it seems the jobless rate is up considerably an astounding 78000 jobless claims have been filed in the last week and one still has to wonder if the new numbers will be reflected accurately when the national unemployment figures for the month of  November are released to the public. With figures such as these,  I expect unemployment to be back up at eight percent or better provided that the numbers haven't been arranged in a way to provide some less than the straight facts numbers may not lie but sometimes those who record them do thus leaving Americans,  at best, with another crooked truth. Finally,  the nation faces 513 billions dollars in new tax increases if a deal is not reached between the President and Republican controlled House and one can be sure that any deal cut will be crooked and favor the President. the plain truth is one cannot expect straight answers from a crooked Obama,  administration. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words, to think on.

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