Sunday, November 4, 2012

Vengeance, Makes Even The Mightiest Man, Fall.

  As I listened to President Obama's latest speech, I couldn't help but think to myself,   my, how the mighty have fallen. When candidate Obama, ran for president in 2008 even I must admit, he was quite impressive. Here was a man whose ability to give an inspirational speech left huge audiences almost spellbound. Obama, preached about  hope and change and the need for a civil discourse in Washington. He was going to be everyone president. There would be no more red and blue states. He would unite  the nation and truly be the President of the United States.
  Fast forward,  four years later and it now seems,  that the presidential candidate Obama, once so full of high ideals and so determined to change the the gridlock that so often prevails in Washington, once he became President Obama, it now appears that instead of changing Washington, Washington and the power of the presidency changed Obama. When I consider the notable change in Obama over the last four years, I am reminded of these words of wisdom from President Abraham Lincoln, he said the following: "Any man can stand adversity,but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Over the past four years Obama,  has developed such a thirst for power that he often goes around congress and dares to make appointments when congress is out of session by  abusing his power as president  though excessive use of executive orders to accomplish his personal agendas all in the name of doing what he thinks is good for the county however I have noticed that many times over these past four years Obama,  never bothered to ask the American people,  what they thought about anything. Obama,  basically pushed his own personal agenda through Congress, and then told the American people,  it was good for them and that sometimes they had to take their medicine or eat their peas. Obama care,  serves as as a shinning example of how Obama,  seemingly, ignored the will of the American people,  and in affect literally crammed his health care down the throats of  all Americans.
  The most disturbing development in Obama's personality,  is his  talk of revenge and his need to seek vengeance,  on those who wold oppose him. It is one thing to honestly disagree with an opponent's political positions on certain issues,  it is quite another  for one to encourage his supporters,  to vote for him as a means of accomplishing personal revenge against an opponent.When I heard Obama's speech last evening, what I heard,  was a bitter self absorbed angry old man if fact,  it is quite striking,  how his   obsessive  thirst for power has truly aged Obama.
  The Bible,  warns against an obsession for vengeance. Romans 12;19 says, "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is mine: I will repay saith the Lord." Obama,  should leave vengeance in God's hands for such a desire left unchecked can destroy a person. It has been said,  that absolute power corrupts absolutely,  and this has indeed happened to Obama,  and I think most Americans,  now see this,  and this character flaw,  will lead to Obama's downfall on election day for if it doesn't lead to his down fall, reelecting Obama, I believe,  will lead to the downfall of the nation. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words, to think on.

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