Thursday, December 20, 2012

I'll Be Home For Christmas.

    One of my favorite songs during the holiday season has always been I'll Be Home For Christmas. This year I find that it has an even deeper meaning to me.Somewhere, in a dark no doubt dirty cell in Mexico,sits a lonely former Marine Jon Hammar.He is guilty of nothing except being an American bringing a gun that was given to him by his grandfather, into Mexico,  a gun he personally registered when he entered Mexico.Due to supposedly a clerical mistake the gun was measured incorrectly and therefore the Mexican government threw former US Marine Jon Hammar,  in jail he has been there since August.Despite the valiant efforts of his parents at this moment Jon Hammar,  remains in jail in Mexico and although efforts are finally  being made to gain his release, I find my self asking, why has it taken this long?
    Here is a man who served  bravely in Iraq and Afghanistan and has been awarded a purple heart for his outstanding courage in the line of duty and he sits in a Mexican jail on trumped up charges and his parents literally have to beg the American Consulate,  to help them. Obama, should have sought Hammar's immediate release. I find it impossible to believe that the American Consulate,  did not inform him of Hammer's plight before now. There is something else I find very strange the Obama administration, at times exhibits what one might call a selective ignorance as well as a  selective impotence when it suits their political purpose.Obama, was so filled with charisma and personal charm when he was running for President in 2008 indeed, when he spoke crowds were spell bound and he even boasted that he could slow the rise of the oceans that is of course,  after he finished walking on the water first! Obama,  was to be the new Messiah,  yet for years later,  he seemingly knows nothing about what went on  in operation Fast and Furious, in the latest report on the tragedy of Benghazi, the report acknowledges mistakes were made but no one seems to know just who made them now John Hammar's parents,  seek help from the leaders in government and once again Obama and Hilary Clinton,  are selectively ignorant of the situation and the entire Obama administration clams to be powerless when it comes to dealing with the Mexican government this demonstrates politically speaking, a selective impotence on the part of the Obama, administration.I say this because thus far the American Consulate,  is telling John Hammar's parents there is nothing more  they can do.
    I suspect that now that public pressure is being applied that Obama, will now get involved and behind the scenes as it were will seek to have Hammar,  released but it's a shame that it has taken four months to get to this point and if Hammar,  does get released and thus, makes it home for Christmas,it may only be because Obama,  doesn't  want to look bad in the eyes of his adoring liberal public. I hope and pray that I am right about this because if I'm not, the only way former US Marine Jon Hammar,  will home for Christmas, will be only in his dreams. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words, to think on.


  1. Hi Jona,the thing that jumped out at me when I heard about this story is who would try an take a gun into a gun controlled nation that has 70,000 dead in the drug war with 20,000 people missing as well. I have read about celebrities and politicians who have guns in their bags trying to take them with them on business trips, so senior moments do occur and mistakes are made but he had to know that Mexico and Canada have strict gun control laws. I suppose with Fast and Furious still on the republicans mind they don't want to be involved in this problem,or they would have helped by now,bill

  2. You raise a good point glad you liked the blog. God bless you!
