Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Law Is One Thing, Morality, Is Quite Another.

    I recently received an important email  from the Christian school that my daughter attends.The email stated that due to the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, new school security measures would go into immediate affect. The new measures were as follows; all doors to the school will remain locked until the end of the school day anyone  coming to the school before the normal pick up time must ring a special door bell system and then wait to be greeted and each person must show a photo ID and state their  reason for being at the school before they will be allowed to enter.The school is also installing surveillance cameras.When I first read the email I thought to my self what other security changes will all schools have to make as a result of the horrible tragedy at Newtown Connecticut? Will parents have to pass through metal detectors as the public does when one goes to an airport? Should schools hire armed security guards? At this very moment Present Obama,  is appointing a special panel to try to determine what steps can be taken to  insure that needless massacres like Newtown never happen again.I have no doubt that some new legislation will be proposed that will make the acquisition of of any kind of gun a lot more difficult and to be sure some guns will be outlawed altogether. As important as security measures such as these may be they may help but they will not entirely solve the problem of the out break of violence in American society.
    I have often heard it said, one can not legislate morality. I would submit that many of a nations laws do nothing to change morality the only serve to keep those who would choose to be immoral in check. To change a society's  morality, one must change a society's moral values. I noticed in the mist of the horrific tragedy of Newtown there were stories of teachers praying while hiding in closets. How ironic that prayer in school has been all but outlawed  for the past forty years.I am not suggesting that having prayer in school would in anyway have prevented the tragedy at Newtown, but I am suggesting it may teach a society that that there are far better ways to deal with a person's personal   frustration issues besides grabbing a gun and creating a needless blood bath.The Ten Commandments are forbidden to be placed on the walls of the nations schools.To me one thing is clear separation of church and state does not and should not mean separation of God, from American society. Charles Carroll, is perhaps one of the lesser known signers of the Declaration of Independence but he expressed his thoughts on morality in government as follows;"Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who decry the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure and which insures the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments." Secular liberal progressives in this nation boast that reason not religious traditions or principals are what truly advances a modern society but if tragedies like the one at Newtoun Connecticut,  are an example of such progress in American society I  choose to back to the old fashioned Christian principals this nation was founded on all I know is this sixty years ago one did not even have to lock there doors in most cities or neighborhoods now children are afraid to go to school. I do not know if America has the moral will to put God and the Bible and the true principals of the constitution, back in the class room but I for one will continue to pray that America as a nation may find it. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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