Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Freedom Is A Personal Responsibility.

    The media has given a great deal of coverage to the Jovan Belcher, tragedy. There is no doubt this was indeed a needless tragedy.I feel an enormous since of pity and grief for Jovan Belcher's little girl who now will face life without parents and all she  will ever know about them is what others can tell her or what she can learn on her own. I can't help but wonder if this orphaned child,  will ever by old enough to deal with the way her parents died
    As one might imagine, proponents of gun control sports caster Bob Costas, among them,  have used this latest tragic event to push for tighter gun restrictions. While I'll admit guns are used to commit many needless acts of murder and mayhem  if one believes creating a law forbidding the personal possession  of guns would solve all the problems.related to violence, I would submit this is a false premise. Let me see,  if I can further illustrate my point. Alcohol,  has the potential to kill someone if a person gets behind the wheel of a car therefore should one reinstate prohibition? It didn't work in the twenty's and it wouldn't work now. The reason it won't work is because if people want to drink they will find a way to do it  and therefore prohibition,  won't stop the abuse of alcohol. Laws,  restrain behavior but they don't necessarily change human behavior. Knives,  can be used to kill some one . Should there be a law banning the use of all knives? A baseball  bat, used effectively and with enough force can most definitely,  kill someone. Should there be a law banning the possession of baseball bats? Perhaps,  one should just ban baseball. The bottom line is this if someone wants to kill some one they will find a way to do it.Even if one could ban everything that could be used to kill someone people would think of something new that could be used to kill someone.
   As tragic as the circumstances surrounding the death of Jovan Belcher,  and his girl friend may be banning guns,  won't stop deliberate acts of murder. All banning guns will do is just give the government one more excuse to take a way a persons basic right to bear arms and thus protect themselves.Guns,  are not directly responsible for the death of anyone. The irresponsible use of guns by those who have guns potentially could lead to the death of everyone. I refuse to let the government decide which law abiding citizens,  may and may not own a gun. It is the job of every American,  to act responsibly when it comes to the use  of guns.Thomas Paine,  said it this way;" Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must like men undergo the fatigue of supporting it." I realize the careless use of guns often have terrible results but so too is the terrible loss of one's personal freedom to to protect oneself and I for one refuse to let the government decide what freedoms Americans, may or may not have because when government can do that go ahead and change the name of this country because one thing is sure one won't be able to call this country America, any more. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words to think on.

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