Saturday, December 1, 2012

Patience, Is Still A Virtue.

    Someone,  has said, that patience,  is a virtue but time,  is a commodity.Sometimes,  I think Americans, have been spoiled to some extent.I believe this premise has been demonstrated, if one considers,  the results of the recent presidential election. Americans,  have clearly grown impatient. No longer are many in America,  willing to wait and work for their success or happiness as it were. Instead,  many in this country right now,  all but demand and expect the government to provide their success and happiness for them and  those who feel this way usually, are not into waiting for it in fact,  anytime, in the next thirty seconds would be fine with most of  them. I would remind those in this country, who fell this way, of these words from Ben Franklin, he said the following;" The Constitution, only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You  have to catch it yourself." Let's face it pursuing one's happiness often takes a bit of time and patience and hard work to obtain but many in this country have no interest in waiting or working for their happiness especially when the government promises to give them their happiness right now!
    Whenever,  I think of the need for patience, I am reminded of this prayer prayed by a sincere but impatient Christian, their prayer was as follows" Lord give me patience, and give it to me right now!"Such,  is the patience of many,  in this country today. Their prayer, no doubt sincere,   is sincerely misguided. As a Christian, I find that I too must pray to God, and ask him to teach me to be one who knows the virtue of having patience. I am reminded of these words in Bible, from the book of Isaiah, 40:31 the passage reads as follow; " But they that wait upon the lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."
    As a Christian,I can not know what will happen in the next four years. I like many in this country, can only imagine what the next four years will be like. I suppose all  all can do is pray for America, and be patient for these next four years.I am confident of one thing however, patience, is still a virtue and virtue,  is certainly one thing this nation, could use a great deal more of. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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