Wednesday, October 31, 2012

If Obama, Wins, Independence Ends!

  Some, of the political pundits on the news are suggesting that Obama, may experience a surge or a bit of a comeback of sorts in the polls because he can seen as  more presidential and as he tours states like New Jersey, and New York where the devastation left from Hurricane Sandy is more than evident. I realize the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Sandy,  is immense and even with help from the government total recovery for the  states affected by this storm could take years. I understand then that our government must step in and help the people in these states get back on there feet again as soon as possible
  What troubles me however is this there are all ready so many people in this country will feel that government should do every thing for them. I recently talked to a person who lives in my neighbor hood who thought that her utilities should be paid by the government. The way  my neighbor  looked at it everyone should be warm in the winter and cool in the summer I suppose my neighbor thought this was a basic human right and therefore the government should pay every one's heating and cooling bills in the name of equal rights and fairness. Keep in mind my neighbor is not impoverished in any way. Their beef was if those who were considered low income could have their heat paid for by the American taxpayers why couldn't the government just pay every person;s utility  bills? I then ask them if they thought the government should give them money to buy a furnace in the winter time and an air conditioner in the summer time and not surprisingly again my neighbor thought this would be a good idea that is, until I reminded my civic mined neighbor that that kind of government assistance would require an increase in their taxes and then they said "Oh I hadn't considered that!"
  I think that is the basic problem in liberal thinking they are always good at identifying a need in society but they don't want to pay for it. My fear is quite frankly,  that many in America, have developed a sense of entitlement and are content to depend on the government for everything. America, became  the great nation she is because of her spirit of independence.Which is basically the belief that we as Americans, will gladly help anyone who needs help but the greatest thing one can do is teach someone how to help themselves.I have often heard it said that God helps them who help themselves. I fear however,  that in the minds of many in this country government,  is God, I am remind ed of Bart Simpson's prayer to God,  as he prayed  to God,  for his food he said, "God, I would thank you for this food but my dad has to work and pays for everything so God, thanks for nothing!" I am afraid that many in this country are saying to God,  mentally by their attitude the government gives me everything so God, thanks for nothing! I pray that this is not the case but I believe that when it comes to the next election if Obama, wins American independence ends! As always my friends, these thoughts remain just some words, to think on.

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