Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Drip Drip Drip Of Benghazi, Grows Louder And Deeper.

  I am not gifted with the ability to sew but even I know if you mend a piece of clothing when you  find a small whole in it it won't be nearly so hard to fix as it will if you ignore the whole because it is so small only to find in just a little while before you know that little whole is now not so little and will take many more stitches to fix or mend. Ben Franklin knew this over 236 years ago when he wrote this in his publication of Poor Richards Almanac "A stitch in time saves nine." I recently went to the dentist and had my teeth cleaned and a routine x ray revealed a small whole in one of my teeth believe me I has the tooth filled right then and there. There are just some things in life you really ought to fix as soon as you can while it is a small or at least manageable problem. Don't you just hate the constant drip drip drip of a leaky faucet? I run for a wrench every time I hear one heaven knows you can't sleep with that  irritating sound in the house and some how when one is trying to sleep the sound of  the drip from a leaky faucet just seems to grow louder and louder.
  Obama, now has a problem like this on his hands his leaky faucet however is called Benghazi, and with each day that has passed since nine eleven the constant drip drip drip of Benghazi,  grows louder and deeper Why is this foreign policy catastrophe much harder for Obama,  to deal with now? The answer is simple you don't conduct what appears to date to be a 42 day cover up about what really happened and all the while facts have leaked out to the public that seem to suggest some one is lying. Americans,  now know that  the tragedy of  Benghazi,  was a full blown terrorist attack and not just a small unorganized mob protesting a video  on You Tube, mocking the Muslim prophet Muhammad. The fact is no matter what Obama,  does or no matter how he or his surrogates, try to spin the tragic foreign policy failure of Benghazi with  each day that passes the American public become more and more aware just how messed up this whole thing was. The American people now know that for several months including the day of his death American, Ambassador Stevens, was pleading for an increase in security  forces a request that was obviously ignored and ultimately led to Ambassador Stevens death along with three other brave Americans. This scandal has the potential to be even bigger than Water Gate and thus far Obama, is offering no real answers to the American people to explain to them how the greatest nation on earth with the  strongest military in the world could not sufficiently defend one small American embassy.
  This topic will most assuredly,  come up in the last debate and will most certainly illustrate Obama's more than obvious lack of military experience and his over all failure in the area of foreign policy. As the Commander and Chief of the nations armed fores a president's first priority is to keep our nation's people and those who represent our nation safe it now appears to the American people,  that Obama, failed to do that.  The constant drip of more and more facts that are revealed to the American  voters is definitely going to hurt Obama's reelection chances. Obama, should have been  open and honest with the American people on the night of nine eleven it might have been hard to admit we had been attacked by terrorist on that particular day this but  was never going to be easy for Obama,  but attempting to cover this tragic mess up now  threatens to destroy Obama,  politically. I am reminded of these poetic words, "Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive." As always, my friends, these thoughts  remain, just, some words, to think on.

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