Saturday, October 27, 2012

Honesty, Is Still, The Best Policy.

  My mother used to tell me honesty, is the best policy. I must say I have found this to be very true. I tell my daughter to always tell my wife and I the truth. My daughter,  is ten and thus far as far as my wife and I know our daughter has never lied to us. She even tells us the truth even when she knows that her mother and I won't like the truth. Like all children, my daughter is not perfect but I am pleased to know at this point in her life she has learned to tell the truth and it's nice to know I can trust her. When you think about it, I ask you,  is there a greater compliment a parent could give to their child?
  Recently, I found my self in a challenging discussion with my uncle regarding always telling the truth. My uncle always plays devils advocate in these  type of discussions and sometimes, I wish he weren't so good at it because as a Christian , I confess I'm not too  interested in giving the devil any kind of an advocate! On a more serious note however, my uncle suggested that even for Christians, there  may be certain times when a Christian,  would choose to lie. He gave the example in the Bible,  where Rahab,  the harlot hid the two  spies from  Israel and  when the men of the city of Jericho, ask her if she knew where the spies were she told them that that knowledge was way over her head and it certainly was for she hid the spies from the children of Israel  right above her in  her roof Okay,  so I'm being a little facetious here, the truth is the Bible doesn't say what she told the men of the city of Jericho when they asked her about the spies but whatever  she told them they were  satisfied with her answer and she didn't give the spies away.and although the Bible,  does not specifically say it was right for Rahab,  to lie God,  does seem to bless Rahab,  for she is rescued by those same spies and later you see that  she is a direct descendant of  King David  and the Lord Jesus Christ.I will confess to you, I would lie to protect my wife or my daughter or the life of some one else I cared about. I don't know if it is ever right to lie but I would in these particular set of circumstances and I'll let God judge me  according to my motives when that time comes. I still believe one should always seek to tell the truth as much as possible and if Christians would but as much effort in following the teachings in the Bible that they know to be true instead of worrying about loopholes all the time I think Christians,  would find themselves much better off. I mean, face it unless your a spy working for the government or in the midst of a war how often is the average person going to be  faced with the situation where one has to lie in order to save a person's life? I would suggest to you, not too often.
  President Obama, seems to change his facts about the tragedy of Benghazi, almost on a moment by moment basis and he isn't lying to save lives he's lying to cover up the fact that because of his negligence in the area of national security an American Ambassador is dead as well as three other brave Americans and a grieving father is denied the answers and the true justice he and his son deserves. I would respect Obama, if he would just admit mistakes were made and express true regret because of those mistakes it appears however that Obama, has no concept of what honesty or truth really is. The only thing he is interested in is getting reelected no matter how many lies he has to tell to accomplish that task. I would ask those who would vote for Obama, if he is willing to lie to cover up cold blooded murder is there anything he wouldn't lie about? His policies have all been lies of one kind or another. His heath care is not affordable his stimulus did nothing for the unemployment in this nation.Although honesty, would be his best policy their is no honesty that can be found to date in any policy he has ever made. I must conclude then Obama, is a man I cannot trust and I hope most of the American people, feel the same way. As always my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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