Tuesday, October 30, 2012

In A Moment, Life, Can Be A Memory.

  Just like many other Americans,  today,  I am in shock and awe as I watch the news and begin to see the live camera shots as well as pictures of the incredible devastation left behind in the after math of Hurricane Sandy. Historians,  are already saying this massive out burst of nature is one for the record books in fact the last time America,  saw anything like this type of hurricane was in New York,  in 1824. Just do a bit of math and you'll find that was 188 years ago and the historians say,  this storm is far worse the anything America, has experienced to date. I have to tell you as I watch the news and see the seemingly endless miles of rampant destruction in the form  fires floods or frozen winter fury in state after state along the east coast I realize that it will take months maybe even years,  before states like New Jersey, New York, and West Virginia, will  fully recover.
  As I reflect on the overwhelming devastation of Hurricane Sandy, I am left with a lasting impression in my mind as I ponder  this sobering thought, even  America, the greatest and most technologically advanced nation the world has ever known  is still no match for the unyielding will of nature when she is released at full fury. I am then struck by the fact that in just a matter of a few hours and in some cases just a matter of moments for many across this nation life as they once knew it is just a fond memory. It would seem then,  that one out burst of nature has the ability at least for a period of time to set America, back over a hundred years and forces many in this age of computers, blackberries, ipads,  and cell phones practically back into  the stone or at the very least faced with living like the Amish. I would ask Americans,  this question  if America, cannot control  the fury of nature and it is God,  who controls nature are we so sure in this so called,  modern age that we no longer need God? I think not.
  I assure you,  thousands of families are seeking God's comfort right now and it's  up to Christians,  everywhere in these devastated areas to offer help and let God, work through them and offer comfort to those who need it right now. The Bible,  gives this admonition to Christians,  in times like this in Romans, 12;15 we are told to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. I imagine,  there are many in these devastated areas who are weeping right now and need someone to weep with them while at the same time offer whatever comfort they can. I cannot know the mind of God, and I will will not pretend to know his purpose at a time like this indeed,  some things,  are known only by God,  but I can suggest,  that perhaps God,  is trying to speak to Americans, to show them just how much they  still need him and one can only pray Americans,  are listening. As always, my friends. these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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