Thursday, October 18, 2012

These Are The Ties That Bind.

  I keep hearing all this talk from the left regarding the so called war on women and frankly, I just don't get it. Women have made great strides since the fifties. Like that old cigarette commercial says from the seventies "You've come a long way baby! Speaking of babies, The Supreme Court,  has allowed so called liberated  women to kill their babies almost at will through abortion since 1973 no baby is going to stand in the way of the life you wish to lead no sir!
  I am perplexed,  women fought for the right to serve in the military just like men in the field of combat. Now to me that's a real war on women! Right now we have women senators,  women on the Supreme Court,we have had two women recently run for president and vice president and now Hilary Clinton,  moved right  on up to Secretary of State oh wait a minute,  doesn't she still serve under and answer to President Obama,  and he a man? That is if you can call  President Obama,  any kind of a man the words cry baby seem more appropriate here! Yes,  for all the progress women have made they still have to accept the fact that sometimes , they will be in situations that require that at least for a period time they may have to work at a place of employment that is owned  and operated  and basically run by a man but their chances for advancement are far better than say, forty years ago. Much,  has been made about Romney's comment that he had a binder full of qualified women for various positions in the companies he helped to run over the years. I think that's a good thing such a binder would not have even existed or have even been thought of forty years ago. Women, as you consider who to vote for in the next election remember Romney's  bind full of qualified women.  Men like Romney,  have helped women fill countless of binders all over this country and if women will help to elect Romney as the nation's next president I feel sure he will keep helping women have more and more chances for economic advancement. There is one thing in this country that is not very binding for anyone including women no matter how many binders he may fill with them. What might that be you ask? Obama's promises,Here are but a few. Obama promised unemployment would by at 5.4 by now it isn't it's at 7.8 and that is figure is fuzzy math at best.Obama promised to cut the nations debt in half instead he doubled it. Obama promised shovel ready jobs but the only thing he helped shovel is a load of  well,  let's just say,  broken promises. Women, I appeal to your reason and intelligence freedom and self reliance and hard word and sacrifice these are the ties that bind us all together as a nation. As always, my friends, and especially women, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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