Sunday, October 28, 2012

Is One Life Worth More Than Another?

  I will confess,  I am at a loss to understand how the liberals, in the Obama, campaign can use the threat of the loss of birth control and the so called right of women to have an unlimited number of abortions for almost any reason as a means to get Obama, reelected.. I suppose I shouldn't really be surprised though.These days it seems the worth of a human life is determined on a case by case basis. Obama care,  will end the life of the elderly if it is deemed  too costly to provide the needed medical care that would sustain their life.One minute liberals,  march in the street protesting the needless loss of life as thy did  when American forces,  were in Iraq, or they protest against the war in Afghanistan.  Members of PETA,  weep for the needless  slaughter of animals but the next minute these same liberals will march in the same streets for the right to kill babies through abortion.I would ask this question is one life worth more than another? Four brave Americans, including an American Ambassador, were needlessly killed in Benghazi,  and I don't hear any liberal democrats  weeping for them or their families.
  Some,  are very offended  when those who are pro life suggest that even a child conceived as a result of rape should have the right to be born and live. I realize this is a hard issue and I'll let God,  decide if a woman should abort a child conceived through rape. I can only say,  I have known two  persons born as a result of rape and both grew up to be productive members of society  One,  became a successful preacher and he is very pro life. I was born with Cerebral Palsy,  and I was three months  premature many thought my mother should have had an abortion and when I was born I fought for my life for five months and the doctors did not think I would survive but I did and I'm glad to be here.I would ask liberal women who always say a woman has the right to choose when it comes to abortion if you met me or one of my friends who were conceived as a result of rape would you be bold enough to suggest that we really didn't have a right to be in this world and say, it would have been all right with you under the circumstances if we would have been aborted? I don't have all the right answers in every situation and I freely admit that but I would ask again, is one life worth more than another?
Do women who say,  they believe in God,  really have the right to make a decision that only God,  has the right to make? Perhaps,  women who favor abortion have decided  they don't believe in God, or better yet perhaps, they would choose to be their own God,  unless their all atheist.I know abortion in some situations is a tough issue and I will let God,  sort out what is right or wrong in the case of rape incest or the life of the mother but as a Christian,  all I can do is seek the wisdom found in the Bible. Psalm 139:16 says the following;  "Thine eyes did see my substance, yet imperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there were none of them." As a  Christian,  I believe the Bible,  teaches that all life is precious because God,  is all life for mankind,  was made in the image of God.I do not have all the answers and God,  will be the final judge of mankind so I will leave that to him but I hope I have given anyone  who may read these words at least,  some thing to think about and as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words, to think on.

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