Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hagel, Looked Haggard And Hasn't Done His Homework.

    Remember,  that feeling of dread you always felt in school,  when you knew you hadn't done your homework? Remember how no matter how hard your prayed that the teacher wouldn't call on you some how the teacher always did,  over and over again almost as if the teacher knew you hadn't done your homework. Guess what? After about the first two questions the teacher did know you hadn't done your homework. The teacher kept calling on you to show you how bad it feels to be called on when you haven't studied  so you could be prepared.Hopefully then you promised yourself,  that you would do your homework from that day forward so that you would never have to feel that awkward and ill equipped, ever again!
    I almost felt sorry for Senator Chuck Hagel,  at his recent Secretary of Defense,  confirmation hearing,  I saw highlights of the hearings on Fox News, ans saw Hagel, get continually hammered over and over again by various Senators,  from both sides of the Isle and though I respect the fact that he is a three time Purple Heart recipient at his confirmation hearings though,  it seems he   received some purple bruises on his ego  to go with them.No matter how much I wanted to believe in Senator Hagel, to me,  he just appeared to be totally unprepared like a kid in school who just hadn't done his homework. I nearly fell out of my chair when he said , he considered Iran, to be a legitimate government.Then he said the President's  administration military position  on Iran, was containment and then after receiving a note from someone at the hearings he tried to clarify his answer by stating he meant to say the President's administration had no position on containment regarding Iran. Finally, Carl Levin,  Senior Senator from Michigan and Chairman of the Senate Committee of Armed services, tried to rescue Senator Hagel, by reminding him that the President's administration had a position on the   containment of Iran, he said simply,  "We are against it." Thus, placing Senator Hagel, in the position, of looking rather stupid.  I know on thing Senator Hagel, was certainly up against it he was lost, looking for answers and he was coming up short.
    My father, always said, a good man,, knows when to admit when he is wrong about something, but when Arizona Senator John McCain,  repeatedly asked Senator Hagel,to say wheather  he was wrong about the outcome on the serge in Iraq,  with a simple  yes or no answer,  Senator Hagel, refused to give him such an answer and this made the Senator,  seem too  proud to admit that he had been wrong about the outcome of the serge in Iraq. A simple, humble I was wrong would have really helped Senator Hagel right about then and this guy needs all the help he can get!I was left with the impression, that Senator Hagel is not prepared to Secretary of Defense. Surely,  the Senate,  would not confirm someone so scatterbrained then again, this is the Obama, administration we're talking about. Oh Yeah, Senator Hagel,  will get confirmed because frankly, he'll fit right in! As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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