Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Do Guns Cause More Problems Than They Solve?

    Those who read my blog, on a daily basis, will recall that yesterday,  I wrote a blog on gun control. I  said I too believed in gun control as long as gun control remains in the hands of the American people.I often ask those who read my blog to leave comments and tell me  what they think. One nice lady said,  that although she owned guns she wasn't sure that the government might not have a point because in her words guns cause more problems than they solve so maybe the government should decide who should have guns.I have no doubt,  that there are those in this country right now who feel the same as this  lady who expressed this type of thinking in a comment on my blog. I have to say though, I wonder just how far one would be willing to take this kind of thinking? Should we as Americans,  ban everything that could potentially cause problems or harm in American society? Really?  If every American, living in our society today followed this kind of thinking as they attempted to live there life One might wonder what would still be left in American society?
    I would like to have the government ban the building of fire places in homes fire is dangerous many acres of land and millions homes are destroyed and countless lives lost each year as a result of fire so to cut down on this potential hazard the government should not allow contractors to build fire places in any more homes. I think the government, should ban all planes commercial and private. Planes crash you know and thousands of people are killed every year because planes crash. I think the government should ban cars as well then there would be no more driving after all,  thousands of people get killed in car accidents every year from now on people will just have to ride a bike or walk everywhere. Public transportation should be banned as well people have been killed by buses and subway trains. Therefore the safest thing to do is just walk everywhere. Make sure your job doesn't require you to travel and  make sure your job is in walking distance. While, I'm at it I think the government should ban your freedom to take any medication on your own, Therefore,  from now one even if you want an aspirin a doctor or a nurse must be the one to give it to you after all people have been known  to misread prescriptions an an accidental over dose is always possible as a result. There fore,  the government should require that doctors or nurses be on call twenty four hours a day and personally give each dose of each medication that everyone in this country needs  to take   everyday.
    Okay, enough you say, this kind of thing is ridiculous I agree in fact living in a society like this would cause much more problems then it would ever solve. Look,  the bottom line is this if you want to live in a free society you have to take some risk nothing in life is totally without risk. Guns, have never been a problem in American society but the irresponsible use of guns by total idiots are a problem in any society. As a free society then, Americans, must ask themselves, are they really  ready to give up all their personal freedoms in the name of safety  and security are Americans truly content to let the government do all of there thinking for them? Well, not I, for I think therefore I am and when the day comes when I am not free to do that for myself that's a society I do not wish to live in I prefer death to government mind control. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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