Thursday, February 7, 2013

Due Process, Is The Cornerstone Of American, Freedom.

    Current counter terrorism advisor   and Deputy of National Security, John Brennan, now finds himself in the middle of a national controversy because of the of President's and the   the Justice Department's  view on the right of  due process for all Americans, even those that are suspected of being terrorist.It seems that the President believes he has the authority to authorize drone strikes on Americans,  he believes  to be terrorist. Apparently, the President,  feels, that if he has evidence that he believes proves that an American is a terrorist the American people should just take his word for it and let him go a head and order a drone strive on suspected American terrorist,  without due process of law. Basically this means an American suspected of being a terrorist can be killed by a drone strike ordered by the President without that American even having the right to a trial by a jury of his peers to see if there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that indeed proves that American,  is a guilty of being a terrorist.John Brennan,  would be the person in charge of conducting the drone strikes ordered by the President.The ACLU, has come out against this practice and even many of the president's strongest supporters including many Senate Democrats,  now find themselves at odds with the President.  I'll go on record and say that it is not often,  that I ever  agree with any of the Senate Democrats or the ACLU, for that matter but on this issue I think the Democrats and the ACLU who oppose the practice of drone strikes on suspected American,  terrorist without due process of law have a point.
    Those who feel that Americans,  who are suspected of being a terrorist no long have the right of due process may not realize it but by ascribing to this view.They are giving the government the right to conduct drone attacks on any American,  they deem as a potential terrorist threat without even having to take the suspected potential terrorist to federal court to prove it! The right of due process of law or to put it another way the right of a trial by jury, is the very cornerstone of American, democracy and freedom the right of due process of law is the very foundation of the Constitution. Without the right of due process there is no Constitution and with no  Constitution, one might just as well go live in Iran because it seems the Iranian government shares the same view on the right of do process for their citizens as Obama, does and believe me, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, doesn't have to prove the guilt or innocence of any citizen in Iran if he feels that someone is a treat to the Iranian government he may just have that citizen killed and save Iran the trouble and expense of a trail after all if the President Of Iran, decides someone should be executed I am sure no one in Iran will demand a trial to prove that a citizen in Iran is a threat  to the government I'm sure they are more than willing to take his word for it.
    I do not know at this point if John Brennan, will be confirmed by the Senate and become the Director of the CIA but I suspect in the end he probably will.There is one thing I do know however, the day an American, can by put to death, at the discretion of the President,  without the guaranteed right of due process of law is the day this isn't America, any more. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words, to think on.

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