Friday, February 8, 2013

Drone Yes Gun No Go Figure.

    Okay, I hate to keep beating a dead horse but will someone please explain to me why it is okay for the American people to trust Obama and John Brennan, as far as using drones on American, citizens  is concerned but Obama,  wants to ban certain guns from law abiding Americans. What? He can't trust us,  yet we are supposed  to trust him? I don;t think so! A drone,  is just as deadly as a gun. Yet, Obama, wants us to trust him that he has the authority at his discretion alone to kill Americans,s he suspects to be terrorist in the name of the war on terror A war  that he has never really believed in until just recently and the the last time I checked Congress, hasn't officially,  declared war on any country.The only point I am really trying to make is this, America, is supposed to be a county with laws and amendments  that are spelled out in our Constitution. Obama, it seems only follows the Constitution,  when it fits in to his particular political purpose and lately, it seems that isn't too often.
    Think about it my fellow Americans, Obama, wants us to trust him with a drone and take his word, that he knows what he's doing,  If he decides to kill an American,  he suspects of being a terrorist he doesn't even have to produce said evidence nor see to it that the American,  he believes to be a terrorist has  the right of a trial by jury. Look, I'm no fan of a terrorist of any kind and if an American, is proven in a court of law to be a terrorist then they should be shot for treason.I  just find it ironic  that the President wants to ban certain guns in this country because he doesn't trust law abiding Americans to know how to be responsible with them yet the President,  wants the American people,  to trust him to be responsible with a weapon as powerful as a drone.What ever happened to the second, fourth, and fourteenth  amendments to the Constitution? I mean, do Americans, have the right to bear arms or don't they? Are all Americans to be treated equally or does Obama, have the last word on which Americans,  will be treated fairly, and which ones won't? The last time I checked, I woke up in America, this morning and that used to mean that all Americans,  were guaranteed certain rights because they were born here.It seems however, that at least for certain Americans, Obama has the right to determine if they have any rights at all.As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words, to think on.

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