Sunday, February 10, 2013

God Can Great Things With A Willing Heart

    I often look back and reflect on my high school and college days. I wish I could say that I accomplished great things in high school or college. The truth is I was an average student. There was nothing that I did in either high school or college that gave me any notoriety The one talent, I had I suppose I hid for thirty years because I thought it was just to common and rather ordinary at best However I did manage to a receive a small award for something my  English teacher called creative writing. She was impressed with several speeches essays and poems that I had written in high school during my senior year. I however, was insecure and had no real confidence in myself our my abilities as a writer.I was a person with cerebral  palsy and as such, I had been told not too expect too much out of life I found my self wondering what will I ever do in my life that will really mean anything after all, who was I among the millions in this world and what difference could my life make. I was suffering from what one might call the five loves and two fishes complex. One will recall the story of the feeding of the five thousand in John 6:9 Andrew, the brother of Peter,  is talking to Jesus, and says the following; "There is a lad here with five barley loaves and two fishes but what are they among so many."Have you ever felt like a couple of barley loaves and two small fishes, and thought who or what am I among so many in this world?
    Notice however,  the small insignificant lunch,  was given to Jesus by a lad, with a with a loving heart willing to let Jesus, use his small lunch to do great things.Jesus indeed did do a great thing first he multiplied the lunch then he fed over five thousand people think of that that young lad helped Jesus,  feed five thousand people just because he was willing to say, I don't have much Lord,  but what I have I willing give to you. One can almost hear Jesus say, "Thank you dear child, just wait and see what God will do with you willing gift of faith!"You, may be like me and at times you may wonder Lord, what can I do but what Jesus will want to know is have you done what you could? Remember, no talent, or life for that matter is ever wasted if one willingly gives their live and talents to Jesus.
    The Bible says,  In  Mark 14'3-9 that a woman came to Jesus,  and broke a valuable  collection of oils and spices and perfumes over the head and feet of Jesus. Many who saw this humble and gentle act of  loving kindness thought among themselves how could this woman just waste such a valuable resource? Remember what I said though no gift given with a willing heart of love to Jesus is ever wasted. Jesus thanked her and told those who were gathered there to leave her alone because she was helping to prepare him for his burial and  he told her God would remember what she had done for him.What a blessing to think that God,  will remember the acts of kindness we do for others. Remember, One need not have a great gift for God,  to use them but one does need to have a heart that is willing to give to God what ever gift  or talent one may have. God can take the smallest gift given to him and multiply it and do great things with it. All he asked is for is a willing heart that is willing to do whatever we can. I in my own way give my gift writing to God and then compose these words with the hope and prayer that all who may read these words will be blessed. Remember, there is gift too small  when given with a willing heart that God, can not take and do great things. As always my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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