Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Everyone, Has At Least, One Gift.

    Recently, my wife Priscilla, listened as our daughter Cassandra,  asked my a series  of various types of questions.My daughter,  asked me five or six questions on several different subjects and after about twenty minutes or so, I was able to answer all of my daughters questions to her satisfaction and she thanked me with a big hug! My wife however,  was puzzled. She asked Cassandra,  why she always asked me when she wanted to know something. My daughter said, "That's easy mommy, daddy can explain a lot of different things very quickly that is one of his gifts and sometimes I want to know things real fast and you take a bit longer to explain things but don't worry mommy, daddy explains things quickly but you can do the things he explains,  quicker than he can that's your gift. My daughter then said,"Don't worry mommy and daddy,  you both may have different  gifts and abilities but I love you both the same.' As anyone can see, one of my daughter's gifts is her ability to make peace. Her first grade teacher told my wife and I that Cassandra, was a natural born peace maker and indeed Cassandra,  seems to get along with just about anyone.I must confess some of the wisest words I have ever heard have been spoken from my daughters lips sometimes,  it's hard to remember that she is only ten.
    My daughter Cassandra,  is right you know, each person has at least on gift that makes them special and unique. As a Christian I know that each person's special and unique gift comes from God and what each person does with there gift or how they choose to use their  gift to bless the lives of others one might say,  that this is a  gift that one gives back  to God. It is important to realize that not every person is blessed with the same gift. I can tell  Cassandra, what the word immaculate means but my wife can show her how she keeps our house that way. My wife has the gift of  organizing,  she can clean our entire house from top to bottom in thirty minutes or less and she is truly gifted when it comes to decorating any room in our house.
    I have cerebral palsy, and I am not able to run and play with my daughter Cassandra,  the way I would like to but she always tells me that I may have a weak body but I have a keen mind. Cassandra,  tells me not to worry about my handicap or the fact that I am weak in body and can not move very well because she says, it's my heart she loves because that what really matters. I have been told by some that from time to time I have a way with words therefore I write this blog to hopefully,  encourage and bless the lives of all who may read it.My daughter, believes that I have a good heart I do not know if that is really true or not but on thing is for sure one need only know my daughter for a short time and they would know that having a good heart runs in the family.I should know since I love her and her mother with all of mine.
    Every  person has been born and placed in this world with their own special gifts from God and he then desires,  that each person once they discover what  their gifts may be  would then use them to bless the lives of others and it would be my prayer  that all those who may read this blog would ask God,  to help them do just that. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just,  some words, to think on.

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