Thursday, January 10, 2013

Are There Any Good Politicians In Government Left?

    The Marines,   have as their slogan that they are always looking for a few good men. Many,  will no doubt remember the popular film  a few years ago starring Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men.As I consider the title of this film I find my self looking for a few good politicians in government in fact I'm not just looking for a few actually I'm wondering if there are any good politicians left in American government.I find myself afraid that just like Jack Nicholson, says in the movie I may not be able to handle the truth to this question.
    As much as I hate to say this it seems,  that no matter if one examines the Republican or the Democratic Party, both parties it seems to me are stuffed full of politicians who are concerned only with the next election but America could truly benefit  from politicians who could and would thing beyond the next election and consider instead America's next generation.I'm afraid at least at the moment, I can't find any politician who is willing to think this way.I am reminded  of some valuable words of wisdom a fellow patriot and new friend of mine recently said to me on Twitter. Her name is Suzanne and her thought provoking words were as follows;"Until people wake up and do what is right instead, of what is easy America, is doomed!"The same could surely be said of politicians in American government today.As I consider America's need for good politicians, I look at our government and wonder where are the politicians who think like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan today? These men to be sure were far from perfect but each of them in their own way used the office of the presidency to do what they thought was best for America as a country and not what was politically popular or convenient for themselves.Washington,  gained the respect of France as well as many other countries in Europe simply because though he was asked to serve a third term after two successful terms he steeped down and country peacefully elected John Addams. One must remember much of Europe was ruled under a Monarchy France  Spain Or England,  were not accustomed to seeing government leaders who could relinquish power so willingly.
    Lincoln said,  "If you want to test a mans character give him power." and indeed many men are corrupted by an insatiable lust for power.Such,  was the lust that eventually destroyed Greece and Rome and will in time destroy this nation if left unchecked by the American people. Even now Obama,  seeks once again to behave as a king and impose his will and ban and thus,  take away certain guns from the American people despite the fact that the second amendment to the Constitution grants all law abiding Americans, the right to bear arms and forbids any limitations on the right to bear such arms.  Obama, . by executive order chooses  to ignore the need to go through the Congress.As bad as America's politicians may be the American people have elected them and much of our culture as my friend Suzanne said, prefers that which is easy as opposed to that which is right and until this cultural mind set changes not only will Americans not be able to find a few good politicians to serve in American government I suspect that the American people will be unable to find any truly good politicians to sever in our government because as American culture goes so goes our nation I pray one day the American people as a whole,  will return to  the God of our fathers for then and only then will Americans,  be able to find a few good men and women politicians to serve instead of rule in American government.As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.


  1. Hi Jona,the USA is a little offtrack in regards to following the constitution. Many people want to pick and choose what to uphold. The constitution gives all Americans the "right" to vote,yet felons are denied their constitutional rights because two corrupt parties dictate the rules which often upend the constitution and we allow it.
    I remember when Cindy Shehan was arrested by republicans and taken to jail for having the nerve to wear a tshirt that protested the Iraq war. We either uphold the whole constitution or just forget about it.
    I like Tom Coburn and his waste report, he is a republican and a professional politician but I like him none the less. If we followed the original constitution we would now have 4,000 representatives and 2,000 senators but the elite changed the rules to benefit themselves and we now see the consequences of incumbency. We are governed by a gang of geriatrics, my former senator Dick Lugar is considering running for the next election, the man will be 86 and would likely win, although he didn't live in Indiana for 35 years and voted. How can you live in one place and vote in a different state? Typical voter fraud but neither party wanted to press charges because they are both corrupt and guilty of such activities. Bill

  2. So one lesson here is if you want to keep your right to vote do't commit a felony simple right? As you well said choices have consequences I don't mind honest decent or peaceful protest but Miss Shehan had no interest in being peaceful as I see it you may not agree Richard Lugar was my Senator too he was not a perfect man but he did some good things we all know there are no perfect politicians if they get voted in we have to live with it that's our system here in America not perfect but I would not live anywhere else.
