Saturday, January 12, 2013

Eat It If You Know What's Good For You.

    Last night I found my self telling my daughter Cassandra to eat her vegetables. When she ask my why she had to eat her green beans, carrots  I told her what my parents told me I told her that green beans were good for her. I even told her that the carrots were good for her eyes and then I said, if your smart you'll eat your vegetables if you know what's good for you. She did eat the vegetables and I for a moment felt like a good and responsible parent. I'm just glad we weren't eating Brussels sprouts   or cabbage or cauliflower because no power on earth can make me get me to eat those vegetables!
    The government often seeks to serve as a parent and to force certain things on the American people all in the name of knowing what is good for us. I recall Nancy Pelosi, saying that the American people would want Congress, to pass Obama care,  if they knew what was good for them. Vice President Biden, feels that certain restrictions as far as being able to purchase certain guns would be good for the American people in fact he said any restriction would be good if it could save even one life. I suppose there is some truth to that after all Americans are required by law to wear seat belts, obey traffic signals and observe a posted speed limit and one can thus conclude that these laws have been put in place by the government for the good general welfare of the American people to save lives.There are those who resent having to wear seat belts or obey speed limits and I don't recall the American people getting a chance to vote on these measures the government just put these laws in place they may have been passed in Congress, but I don't believe these measures were necessarily voted on by the people first and I doubt if a poll was even taken.
   I feel, that if the government is going  restrict guns and redefine the second amendment before they just go ahead and ram it down our throats perhaps they could let the people in each state vote on this matter. I don't buy into everything that libertarians believe but I think sometimes  that they  have a point. What is liberty if the government and not the American people,  get to decide how much liberty one may have? It's as if the government is saying that it is up to them to regulate American society because we the people aren't mature enough to know what is good for us.I recall Obama said,  the Congress and the American people,  would have too accept higher taxes on the rich. I believe the American people, would have to eat their peas. Perhaps, many in America prefer to have the government to take care of them and make all there decisions for them but if that's what most Americans would want I fear that is the beginning of the death of liberty. I personally feel that if that happens it wouldn't be good for anyone. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words, to think on.

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