Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Wimpy, Mentality.

    I'm sure many will remember that King Features, cartoon classic Popeye. Popeye, many may recall, had a lovable but lazy friend,  who was very allergic to work named Wimpy.I'm not sure but I think wimpy, was a liberal progressive Democrat.You see,  liberal progressive Democrats, like to have as many people as possible totally dependent on government assistance in one form or another  Wimpy, which sounds more like a description of Obama, than a cartoon character, was always ready to ask for a handout just like many,  in this country today. I totally realize their will always be those who truly can not work or may honestly, be between jobs and therefore, need food stamps and unemployment for a while until they can get back on their feet again. I am specifically referring to people who could work at a job that may be available to them  but since it's not the job they want or they feel the work is just too hard , it's much easier to stay on unemployment and just take the handout in the form of an unemployment check and food stamps rather than take a perhaps hard but honest job.These type of individuals, remind me of Wimpy, they will always tell you how hard there life is and how hard work is to find but the truth is,  there are many who really aren't looking too hard,  for any kind of work and they won't,  as long as their food stamps and unemployment,  holds out.Many, will remember that Wimpy, used to say,"I'll gladly, pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger, today."It may be just me, but am I the only one who noticed that some how, Tuesday, never came for Wimpy. As much as I may hate to say it, I know people, who could be working right now if, they were willing to take any job available but they won't do that since unemployment along with food stamps,  is so easy to get and thus, so easy to take.
    Obama, it seems,  as a lot in common with Popeye's old buddy Wimpy, however,  instead, of offering to gladly,  pay you  on Tuesday, for a hamburger today, Obama, says, this catch phase to the Republicans,as it relates to the federal budget, "I'll gladly, give you a reduction in government spending tomorrow for a tax increase today but Obama's tomorrow, as far as reducing government spending is concerned,  much like Wimpy's  Tuesday, some how, just never seems to come and although the name Wimpy, adequately, describes Obama's backbone,  as well as his economic policy in this country right now, I wouldn't hold my breath,  waiting for Obama, to make any serious attempts to make real and meaningful cuts in government spending. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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