Monday, March 18, 2013

Can The GOP Return To Greatness?

    After watching several clips in the media, regarding CPAC or the Conservative Political Action Conference, I have given what I saw in the media, a great deal of thought and I believe the Republican Party can return to greatness. The first thing the Republicans,  must realize is the rebuilding of the GOP, won't be quick, short, or easy however,  it can be done.One must realize however,  that it took in my opinion, about ten years to tear down the GOP it is therefore I believe unrealistic to think that the Republican Party can rebound over night it takes a little time to rebuild just about anything and this is particularly true in politics.
    If one is to rebuild, the GOP, then,  one must first determine, what brought the GOP  down in the first place. I believe there are three key reasons, the GOP has experienced some what of a political collapse. First, the GOP suffered major political damage due to forsaking,  the principals that built the  Republican Party in the first place. Those principals, are limited government, reasonable tax restraint and limited and  responsible spending. Let's face facts here,  the government waste money,  like Nancy Pelosi waste botox and if you have seen Nancy Pelosi's face lately,  you know that for Pelosi, botox, is a total waste. The government,  has too many departments and many of them overlap or duplicate services. I believe enough  government departments could be eliminated that the size of government could easily be reduced by twenty percent and much if not most of the country, would never miss it especially, sine most Americans aren't even aware of   the existence of many of these excessive government departments to begin with!
    Secondly, Republicans,  must reestablish  and practice the basic principal of tax restraint and responsible spending.I am and never will be a fan of Obama however he has a point when he says, President George Bush had the US involved in two wars that were not paid for by Congress, of course I'm referring to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yes,  I know Bush, was trying to protect the American people especially after nine eleven from the weapons of mass destruction he believed to be in Iraq and I know he sought to stabilize  the government in Afghanistan because there are nuclear weapons there but the fact remains,  the US, should not get involved in wars without finding a way to finance them first.  One of the main reasons why Obama, has gotten away with adding six trillion dollars to the national debt is because he has always,  been able to say that Bush,  added four trillion to the national debt before Obama, added six trillion although, each time Obama, says that,  it reminds me of two children who just got caught doing the same thing one child says, "Well, he did it too! The other child says, "Well, he did it more than I did! The mother then says, "You both did it and you were both wrong!"If Republicans believe in limited spending, here's an idea limit government spending deal with entitlements don't continue to increase the debt ceiling with out budget cuts to off set the increase. America, must exercise financial discipline and learn to live with in her means, Many Americans do this all the time  but Washington, still has to learn how to do this I suppose.
    Finally, the Republicans must speak as ONE VOICE because with  the established Republicans and the Tea Party and the Libertarian branch of the of the Republican Party all talking at once even I am not real sure what any Republican is saying right now let alone what any one in the GOP really believes and stands for. To put it bluntly, all the republicans must stand together or the whole party will fall apart. Republicans, for Heaven's sake, say what you mean, mean what you say and above all practice, what you preach for this is the only way the Grand Old Party, will ever regain power and achieve  true greatness again. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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